
Twilio API-based communications app testing and prototype. Deprecated in favour of Twimail!

Primary LanguagePython


Note: Deprecated in favour of Twimail - Started off working really well but decided to switch to PHP to build my full platform instead of working with Django/Python, so I could try to learn and try out a different language and development style to what I'm used to.

Started off as a test of Twilio's features before fully implementing my own communications platform (Twimail, also available on my Github). A series of python files which allow you to make outgoing calls, SMS's, screen calls for answering machines etc. using Twilio's API.

Useful for calling large volumes of people and where many may not be immediately available/may go to voicemail so that you can get in contact with humans easily and ignore answering machines. This feature was later fully implemented in Twimail to deliver pre-recorded voice messages whenever an answering machine is detected so you don't need to repeat yourself.

Install Twilio's python library first and note that you will need an Account SID and Auth Token from Twilio (there's a free trial) to use this.

Tool built for Bowery Investment Management, LLC. by Thushan Puhalendran.