
:house_with_garden: Make yourself at home

Primary LanguageShell


Make yourself at home with the power of Git alone ... and this alias:

alias homegit="GIT_DIR=~/.homegit/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=~ git"


You probably want to start a new repository for your own dotfiles:

mkdir ~/.homegit
homegit init
echo "*\n\!.gitignore" > ~/.gitignore
homegit add .gitignore
homegit commit -m "ignorance is bliss"

Use homegit to add -f and commit your files.

Create a new repository on GitHub and homegit push to it.

Whenever you want to make yourself at home at a new place, set up the alias and do:

# replace the repository URL with yours
git clone https://github.com/thutterer/homegit.git ~/.homegit
mv ~/.homegit/.gitignore ~