site4thuva v002: humbled

hola strangers! 👋🏽

this is the second version of my site made with lots of 🖤. so if you want to see some self loathing feel free to visit and surf.

have fun learning.

give it a star if you can and chill. see ya on the other side. ✌🏽


  • bun
  • astro
  • tailwindcss
  • markdown


  • add my projects page
  • cleanup about page and resume page
  • now page
  • add rest of my blog posts
  • try JetBrains Mono as content font
  • welcome message in many langs
  • katex font issues
  • change theme toggle and search backtotop icons
  • ability to change font, preset zoom levels
  • make links and buttons interactive and responsive
  • automate submodule pull
  • portable markdown planning reorganize astro content folder structure for blog, lists, devlog
  • proper logo setup
  • redesign the logo
  • proper color pallette
  • fix satori
  • resume page
  • fix dates
  • embrace snake case for footnotes, and dates
  • fix image viewer
  • social links fixes
  • latex support
  • nav redesign
  • add more animations

