
A Vietnamese Text Processing Toolkit

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is the first release of a Vietnamese text processing toolkit, which is called "Vitk", developed by Phuong LE-HONG at College of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

There are some toolkits for Vietnamese text processing which are already published. However, most of them are not readily scalable for large data processing. This toolkit aims at the ability of processing big textual data. For this reason, it uses Apache Spark as its core platform. Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large scale data processing. And hence, Vitk is a fast cluster computing toolkit.

As an example, the Vietnamese word segmentation tool of Vitk can tokenize a text of two million Vietnamese syllables in 20 seconds on a cluster of three computers (24 cores, 24 GB RAM), giving an accuracy of about 97%.


Currently, Vitk consists of two fundamental tools for text processing:

  • Word segmentation
  • Dependency parsing

The word segmentation tool is specific to the Vietnamese language. The dependency parser is general and can be trained to parse any language; we have tested on English and Vietnamese dependency treebanks.

We are working to develop and integrate more fundamental tools to Vitk, including part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, etc. We hope that these tools will be available soon.

Setup and Compilation

  • Prerequisites: A Java Development Kit (JDK), version 7.0 or later JDK. Apache Maven version 3.0 or later Maven. Make sure that two following commands work perfectly in your shell (console window).

    java -version

    mvn -version

  • Download a prebuilt version of Apache Spark. Vitk uses Spark version 1.6.1. Unpack the compressed file to a directory, for example ~/spark where ~ is your home directory.

  • Download Vitk, either a binary archive or its source code. The repository URL of the project is Vitk. The source code version is preferable. It is easy to compile and package Vitk: go to the top-level directory of Vitk and invoke the following command at a shell window:

    mvn compile package

    Apache Maven will automatically resolve and download dependency libraries required by Vitk. Once the process finishes, you should have a binary jar file vn.vitk-1.0.jar in the subdirectory target.


Data Files

By default, the main tool of Vitk is Vietnamese word segmentation. This tool uses some data files specified in the subdirectory dat/tok. Vitk accepts a source text and tokenizes the text into tokens. The source text comes either from an input text file or from an URL, as specified in the usage below.

Vitk can run as an application on a stand-alone cluster mode or on a real cluster. Since the toolkit runs on a cluster, it is required that all machines in the cluster are able to access the same data files, which are normally located in a shared directory readable by all the machines.

If you use a Linux operating system, it is easy to share or "export" a directory via a network file system (NFS). By default, Vitk searches for data files in the directory /export/dat/. Therefore, you need to copy subdirectories dat/tok into that directory, so you have two folders:

  • /export/dat/tok
  • /export/dat/tok/whitespace.model

If you run Vitk on a stand-alone cluster mode, it is sufficient to create the two data folders specified above. The NFS stuffs can be ignored.


Vitk is an Apache Spark application, you can run it by submitting the main JAR file vn.vitk-1.0.jar to Apache Spark.

The current parameters of Vitk are as follows:

  • -m <master-url>: the master URL for the cluster, for example spark:// If you do not have a cluster, you can ignore this parameter. In this case, Vitk uses the stand-alone cluster mode, which is defined by local[*], that is, it uses all the CPU cores of your single machine.

  • -i <input-file>: the name of an input file to be segmented. This should be a text file in UTF-8 encoding. Vitk will read and tokenize every lines of this file.

  • -u <url>: an Internet URL containing Vietnamese text to be segmented. This is normally an URL to an electronic newspaper, for example "http://vneconomy.vn/thoi-su/bo-cong-thuong-len-tieng-ve-sieu-du-an-tren-song-hong-20160507072218349.htm". If this parameter is used, Vitk will extract the main text content of the article and tokenize it, line by line. Note that either parameter -i or -u should be used.

  • -o <output-file>: the name of an output file containing the tokenization results. Since by default, Vitk uses Hadoop file system when saving results, this is actually a directory containing resulting text files. If this parameter is not specified, the result is printed to the console window.

  • -v: this parameter does not require argument. If it is used, Vitk runs in the verbose mode, in which some intermediate information will be printed out during the processing.

  • -s: this parameter does not require argument. If it is used, Vitk uses a logistic regression model to disambiguate the space character when segmenting Vietnamese phrases instead of using a phrase graph as default. The model is pre-trained and loaded from the data directory whitespace.model. However, the result is often worse than the default. Thus, you should consider to use this option only as an extra experimentation.

Suppose that Apache Spark has been installed in ~/spark, Vitk has been installed in ~/vitk, data files have been copied to /export/dat/tok. To launch Vitk, open a console, enter the folder ~/spark and invoke an appropriate command. For example:

  • ./bin/spark-submit ~/vitk/target/vn.vitk-1.0.jar -u <url>

  • ./bin/spark-submit ~/vitk/target/vn.vitk-1.0.jar -i <input-file>

  • ./bin/spark-submit ~/vitk/target/vn.vitk-1.0.jar -i <input-file> -o <output-file>

  • ./bin/spark-submit ~/vitk/target/vn.vitk-1.0.jar -m <master-url> -u <url>

  • ./bin/spark-submit ~/vitk/target/vn.vitk-1.0.jar -m <master-url> -i <input-file> -o <output-file>

  • ./bin/spark-submit ~/vitk/target/vn.vitk-1.0.jar -m <master-url> -i <input-file> -o <output-file> -v

Note that if you are processing very large texts, for a better performance, you should consider to set appropriate options of the spark-submit command, for example --executor-memory. See more on submitting Apache Spark applications.

You can also import the source code of Vitk to your favorite IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans, etc), compile and run from source, for example, launch the class vn.vitk.tok.Tokenizer.java for word segmentation, providing appropriate arguments as described above.


The algorithms used by the tools of Vitk can be found in some related scientific publications. However, some of the main methods implemented in Vitk have been, and will be described in a more accessible way by blog posts. For example, the word segmentation method is described in:

Contribution Guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Contributions


Any bug reports, suggestions and collaborations are welcome. I am reachable at: