The code for the paper "Dynamic Gaussian Mixture based Deep Generative Model ForRobust Forecasting on Sparse Multivariate Time Series" accepted by AAAI 2021
install conda, pytorch, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn tensorboardX, torchdiffeq (see the instructions in
The datasets we used are included in the folder 'dataset_dir'
Instructions on how to run the demo code on USHCN dataset
- Normalize and partition the dataset for forecasting with the following commands in the terminal:
Generate processed dataset for forecasting:
cd data/
python3 --dataset USHCN
- Run the program in the main directory:
The arguments for running this program are:
--dataset: the name of the dataset (KDDCUP or USHCN or MIMIC3)
--model: the model name (DGM2_L or DGM2_O, DGM2_L uses LSTM for transition while DGM2_O uses ODE for transition)
-b: mini-batch size
--epochs: epoch count for training
--GPU: flag of using GPU or not
--GPUID: ID of the GPU for running
--max_kl: the maximal coefficient for the KL divergence term in the loss function. We use annealing technique to tune the coefficient during the training process.
--use_gate: flag of using the gate function or not
--gaussian: the parameter gamma to balance the dynamic component and the basis mixture component in the dynamic gaussian mixture distribution, which will take effect when --use_gate is not used, e.g. "--gaussian 0.001"
--wait_epoch: number of epochs for the warm-up phase with annealing technique during which the coefficient for the KL divergence term in the loss function is zero. The default value is 0
--cluster_num: number of clusters for DGM2_L and DGM2_O. The default value is 20.
with GPU (suppose the GPU ID is 0):
use DGM2_L:
python3 --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_L -b 100 --epochs 50 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0
use DGM2_O:
python3 --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_O -b 100 --epochs 50 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0
without GPU:
use DGM2_L:
python3 --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_L -b 100 --epochs 50 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0
use DHM2_O:
python3 --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_O -b 100 --epochs 50 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0
Similarly, the demo code can run on other datasets
Generate processed KDDCUP dataset for forecasting:
cd data/
python3 --dataset KDDCUP
Run demo code:
python3 --dataset KDDCUP --model DGM2_O -b 200 --epochs 200 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 3 --use_gate
Generate processed MIMIC3 dataset for forecasting: (Since the size of the MIMIC3 dataset is larger than the uploading limitation, we compressed this dataset)
cd dataset_dir/
cd data/
python3 --dataset MIMIC3
Run demo code:
python3 --dataset MIMIC3 --model DGM2_O -b 3000 --epochs 200 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 6 --use_gate --wait_epoch 60