Primary LanguagePython

The code for the paper "Dynamic Gaussian Mixture based Deep Generative Model ForRobust Forecasting on Sparse Multivariate Time Series" accepted by AAAI 2021


install conda, pytorch, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn tensorboardX, torchdiffeq (see the instructions in https://github.com/rtqichen/torchdiffeq)


The datasets we used are included in the folder 'dataset_dir'

Instructions on how to run the demo code on USHCN dataset

  1. Normalize and partition the dataset for forecasting with the following commands in the terminal:

Generate processed dataset for forecasting:

cd data/
python3 generate_time_series.py --dataset USHCN
  1. Run the program train.py in the main directory:

The arguments for running this program are:

--dataset: the name of the dataset (KDDCUP or USHCN or MIMIC3)

--model: the model name (DGM2_L or DGM2_O, DGM2_L uses LSTM for transition while DGM2_O uses ODE for transition)

-b: mini-batch size

--epochs: epoch count for training

--GPU: flag of using GPU or not

--GPUID: ID of the GPU for running train.py

--max_kl: the maximal coefficient for the KL divergence term in the loss function. We use annealing technique to tune the coefficient during the training process.

--use_gate: flag of using the gate function or not

--gaussian: the parameter gamma to balance the dynamic component and the basis mixture component in the dynamic gaussian mixture distribution, which will take effect when --use_gate is not used, e.g. "--gaussian 0.001"

--wait_epoch: number of epochs for the warm-up phase with annealing technique during which the coefficient for the KL divergence term in the loss function is zero. The default value is 0

--cluster_num: number of clusters for DGM2_L and DGM2_O. The default value is 20.

with GPU (suppose the GPU ID is 0):

use DGM2_L:

python3 train.py --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_L -b 100 --epochs 50 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0


use DGM2_O:

python3 train.py --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_O -b 100 --epochs 50 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0

without GPU:

use DGM2_L:

python3 train.py --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_L -b 100 --epochs 50 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0


use DHM2_O:

python3 train.py --dataset USHCN --model DGM2_O -b 100 --epochs 50 --max_kl 5 --use_gate --wait_epoch 0

Similarly, the demo code can run on other datasets

Generate processed KDDCUP dataset for forecasting:

cd data/
python3 generate_time_series.py --dataset KDDCUP

Run demo code:

python3 train.py --dataset KDDCUP --model DGM2_O -b 200 --epochs 200 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 3 --use_gate

Generate processed MIMIC3 dataset for forecasting: (Since the size of the MIMIC3 dataset is larger than the uploading limitation, we compressed this dataset)

cd dataset_dir/
unzip mimic3.zip
cd data/
python3 generate_time_series.py --dataset MIMIC3

Run demo code:

python3 train.py --dataset MIMIC3 --model DGM2_O -b 3000 --epochs 200 --GPU --GPUID 0 --max_kl 6 --use_gate --wait_epoch 60