
OPUS-Rota3: Improving Protein Side-Chain Modeling by Deep Neural Networks and Ensemble Methods

Primary LanguageC++


Side-chain modeling is critical for protein structure prediction since the uniqueness of the protein structure is largely determined by its side-chain packing conformation. In this paper, differing from most approaches which reply on rotamer library sampling, we first propose a novel side-chain rotamer prediction method based on deep neural networks, named OPUS-RotaNN. Then, on the basis of our previous work OPUS-Rota2, we propose an open-source side-chain modeling framework, OPUS-Rota3, which integrates the results of different methods into its rotamer library as the sampling candidates. By including OPUS-RotaNN into OPUS-Rota3, we conduct our experiments on three native backbone test sets and one non-native backbone test set. On the native backbone test set CAMEO-Hard61 for example, OPUS-Rota3 successfully predicts 51.14% of all side-chain dihedral angles with a tolerance criterion of 20°, outperforms OSCAR-star (50.87%), SCWRL4 (50.40%) and FASPR (49.85%). On the non-native backbone test set DB379-ITASSER, the accuracy of OPUS-Rota3 is 52.49%, better than OSCAR-star (48.95%), FASPR (48.69%) and SCWRL4 (48.29%).


Train & Val:

The training and validation sets for OPUS-RotaNN are the same as that for OPUS-TASS, which are hosted on Baidu Drive with password zmc1. Also, they can be downloaded directly from Here. More details can be found in OPUS-TASS repo.

The CSF120 features for the training and validation sets are hosted on Baidu Drive with password 7bmi. Also, they can be downloaded directly from Here.

Test2016 & CASP-FM & CAMEO-Hard61

The pdb files of these three sets are hosted on Baidu Drive with password em4s. Also, they can be downloaded directly from Here.

DB379 & DB379-ITASSER:

These two sets can be downloaded from FASPR paper.



Python 3.7
TensorFlow v2.0

The training & inference codes of OPUS-RotaNN can be found Here.

The standalone version of OPUS-RotaNN (including pre-trained models, the tmp_files and the results for CASP-FM) is hosted on Baidu Drive with password 3l8k. Also, it can be downloaded directly from Here.

Note that for higher speed, we simplify the calculation in xssp. The pipeline for recompiling the xssp is as following:

cd mkdssp
tar zxvf xssp-3.0.10.tar.gz
cp dssp.cpp xssp-3.0.10/src/
cd xssp-3.0.10/
make mkdssp

OPUS-Rota3v and OPUS-Rota3


For your convenience, the packages we used can be found in OPUS-Rota3/dependency folder.


Third-Party Programs


The executable oscar-star file we downloaded from OSCAR-star website can be found in OPUS-Rota3/oscar folder.


The source code we downloaded from FASPR can be found in OPUS-Rota3/FASPR folder. For higher speed, we modified the source code. You can recompile it following their instruction.


The information of OPUS-Rota2 can be found here.


  1. Database preparation.

    1. Install Redis.

      cd redis-3.2.12
      cd src
      sudo make install
    2. Download OPUS-DASF lookup tables and rotamer library data, which are hosted on Baidu Drive with password 9dqu. Also, they can be downloaded directly from Here. Unzip dump.zip and put it into redis-3.2.12.

  2. Install eigen3

    sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
    cd /usr/include/eigen3
    sudo cp Eigen/ .. -R
  3. Install hiredis

    cd hiredis
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
  4. Build OPUS-Rota3 (gcc/g++ 4.8 is necessary to reproduce our results)

    cd src
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    cp rota3 ../../
  5. Run Redis.

    cd /home/redis-3.2.12
    redis-server redis.conf

    This will take approximately 1min until "The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379" appeared in the console.

  6. Run OPUS-Rota3.

    Set the parameters in rota3.ini. The examples for OPUS-Rota3v and OPUS-Rota3 are rota3v_example.ini and rota3_example.ini, you can replace rota3.ini with what you need. Note that absolute path is required.

    1. optimized.

    optimized=0 means the sampling process will not be performed. If you want to use OPUS-Rota3v, please set optimized=0. For OPUS-Rota3, please set optimized=1.

    1. use_faspr

    If you want to use the results from FASPR, please set use_faspr=1. For both OPUS-Rota3v and OPUS-Rota3, use_faspr is 1.

    1. use_oscar

    If you want to use the results from OCAR-star, please set use_oscar=1.

    1. use_others

    Note that OCAR-star will provide stochastic results. Therefore, we provide another option that will not run OCAR-star on-the-fly, but introduce their existing predicted results. In this case, please set use_oscar=0 and use_others=1. The others_list.txt in tmp_dir should be maintained for establishing the relations between backbone files and OCAR-star predicted results. Instead of introducing the results from OCAR-star, the results from other side-chain modeling programs can also be included in this way. .dihedrals: real resid in backbone file, resname, chi1, chi2, chi3, chi4 (181: Missing atoms for calculation 182: chi doesn't exist).

    1. use_rotann

    If you want to use the results from OPUS-RotaNN, please set use_rotann=1 and maintain the rotann_list.txt in tmp_dir as use_others. Note that the different between use_others and use_rotann is .dihedrals uses real resid in backbone file and use_rotann uses the resid starting from 1. .rota: resid starting from 1, resname, chi1, chi2, chi3, chi4 (181: Missing atoms for calculation 182: chi doesn't exist).


Performance of different predictors on TEST2016

Predictors MAE (χ1) MAE (χ2) MAE (χ3) MAE (χ4) ACC
OPUS-RotaNN 24.75 36.64 51.62 51.65 46.26%
RotamerLib 34.72 46.34 53.60 54.82 46.73%
SCWRL4 22.12 37.37 49.76 53.97 57.72%
FASPR 21.79 36.97 49.45 54.86 57.80%
OSCAR-star 19.74 35.85 47.90 53.30 58.99%

Performance of different predictors on DB379

Predictors MAE (χ1) MAE (χ2) MAE (χ3) MAE (χ4) ACC
RotamerLib 34.47 45.38 56.50 53.28 46.82%
FASPR 21.52 36.41 53.09 53.45 57.98%
SCWRL4 21.99 36.89 52.84 52.55 58.03%
OSCAR-star 19.48 35.71 51.67 52.05 59.02%
OPUS-Rota3v 18.98 33.37 49.80 52.06 60.50%
OPUS-Rota3 17.52 32.85 48.96 50.42 61.52%

Performance of different predictors on CASP-FM

Predictors MAE (χ1) MAE (χ2) MAE (χ3) MAE (χ4) ACC
OPUS-RotaNN 29.41 38.95 53.26 49.19 42.86%
RotamerLib 38.07 47.53 55.65 52.86 44.95%
FASPR 26.63 39.75 53.40 54.81 53.11%
SCWRL4 27.09 40.44 52.67 54.61 53.17%
OSCAR-star 24.63 37.68 50.61 53.35 54.84%
OPUS-Rota3v 23.05 36.05 50.82 53.63 56.65%
OPUS-Rota3 21.38 34.50 49.07 51.51 58.05%
OPUS-Rota3 (w/ RotaNN) 21.30 33.61 49.07 51.48 58.56%

Performance of different predictors on CAMEO-Hard61

Predictors MAE (χ1) MAE (χ2) MAE (χ3) MAE (χ4) ACC
OPUS-RotaNN 32.73 42.18 56.37 51.01 38.51%
RotamerLib 41.39 50.25 58.52 54.44 40.44%
FASPR 28.47 42.03 55.52 56.91 49.85%
OPUS-Rota3v 28.15 41.97 55.76 57.07 50.24%
SCWRL4 28.26 42.35 55.96 55.97 50.40%
OSCAR-star 26.33 41.47 55.07 56.44 50.87%
OPUS-Rota3 (w/ RotaNN) 26.28 41.43 55.21 56.46 51.14%
OPUS-Rota3 26.29 41.48 55.26 56.49 51.16%

Performance of different predictors on DB379-ITASSER (Non-Native Backbone Test Set)

Predictors MAE (χ1) MAE (χ2) MAE (χ3) MAE (χ4) ACC
RotamerLib 43.10 47.64 56.94 53.27 40.61%
SCWRL4 33.29 42.74 56.17 55.52 48.29%
FASPR 32.59 42.05 57.05 55.69 48.69%
OSCAR-star 30.78 42.45 56.07 55.74 48.95%
OPUS-Rota3v 28.33 38.84 53.64 54.49 51.88%
OPUS-Rota3 27.05 39.08 53.41 54.30 52.28%


  title={OPUS-Rota3: Improving Protein Side-Chain Modeling by Deep Neural Networks and Ensemble Methods},
  author={Xu, Gang and Wang, Qinghua and Ma, Jianpeng},
  journal={Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling},
  publisher={ACS Publications}