
  • Prefer Node >= v13.

  • Install dependencies yarn

  • VScode (strongly recommend)


To install, using:

yarn install



To start, using:

yarn dev


Create a new migration

You can create a new migration using CLI:

yarn migrate:create [name of file]
e.g: yarn migrate:create Campaign

Run Bundle

yarn run run-webpack

Run eslint check

yarn run lint

Run prettier format

yarn run prettier

Git Convention

  • If you havent run install with yarn, please run, this to setup the git hooks properly
yarn install
  • Create a branch with your task is feature or fix bug, for example feature, maintenance
git branch feature/live-call
  • Commit with
git commit -m "Your commit message"
  • The message will be automatically formatted as
feature/live-call: Your commit message
  • Also, linting will be trigger when pre-committing, to make sure no linting error