node.js methods for issuing commands to the Arista EOS API (eAPI).
Requires EOS >= 4.12 and an enabled HTTP API service:
switch1(config)#management api http-commands
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#proto https
switch1(config-mgmt-api-http-cmds)#no shut
npm install eapi
var eAPI = require('eapi');
var switch1 = new eAPI({
host: 'switch1',
proto: 'https',
port: 443,
user: 'admin',
pass: 'admin',
strict: true
switch1.exec([ 'show version' ], function(err, res) {
// command output
'interface Et1',
'switchport mode access',
'switchport access vlan 10'
], function(err, res) {
// command output
See Arista eAPI documentation for detail.
- Full commands must be specified (eg. 'show interfaces' instead of 'sh int')