
A Map Card for Home Assistant

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Home Assistant Map Card

Take a look at the blog post introducing the custom:map-card for Home Assistant.

An example of the custom:map-card


This is still very early alpha quality.



  1. Copy map-card.js to your /var/lib/hass/www folder.
  2. Click on Edit Dashboard, Manage resources add /local/map-card.js as JavaScript Module.



The PR to add this to the default HACS repo is still open: hacs/default#2377

Follow the instructions to add a HACS Custom Repository.



Home Assistant contains a native map feature, if you don't need advanced features like WMS layers it might be a better choice.


type: custom:map-card
x: 51.23
y: 3.652

More advanced


Take a look at: https://nathan.gs/2024/01/06/ha-map-card-a-new-and-alternative-leaflet-based-map/#a-more-advanced-example-measuring-pm25-air-quality-for-my-home


name Default note
x Longitude
y Latitude
history_start Examples: 2022-03-01T12:00:00Z, 5 hours ago
history_end now Examples: 2022-03-01T18:00:00Z, 2 hours ago, now
focus_entity Entity to focus on (instead of X & Y)
map_height Set a fixed minium height for the map in pixels
title If empty, don't show a title
zoom 12 The zoom level
card_size 5 The Home Assistant card size
entities [] Array of entities, will be listed as markers
wms [] WMS Layers, an array of WMS see below
tile_layers [] Tile Layers, an array of Tile Layers see below
tile_layer_url https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Override the default map source
tile_layer_attribution &copy; <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> Set the correct map attribution
tile_layer_options {} The options for the default TileLayer
history_date_selection false Will link with a energy-date-selection on the page to provide a user controllable date range selector

If x & y or focus_entity is not set it will take the lat/long from the first entity.

If using history_date_selection:true, please ensure a component with the template type: energy-date-selection has been added to the page. If this is set top level history_start/history_end configuration is ignored in favour of the selected date ranges. history_start will continue to override the selected date range and global settings.

Entity options

Either the name of the entity or:

name Default note
entity The entity id
display marker icon, state or marker. marker will display the picture if available
picture Set a custom picture to use on the marker.
size 48 Size of the icon
color Random Color Can defined as red, rgb(255,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,0.1), #ff0000, var(--red-color)
history_start inherits Will inherit from map config if not set.
history_end inherits Will inherit from map config if not set.
history_line_color Random Color Can defined as red, rgb(255,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,0.1), #ff0000, var(--red-color)
history_show_lines true Show the path
history_show_dots true Show little dots on the path
css text-align: center; font-size: 60%; CSS for the marker (only for state and marker)
fixed_x Display a fixed marker, this will ignore the latitude/longitude attributes
fixed_y Display a fixed marker, this will ignore the latitude/longitude attributes
fallback_x If the latitude/longitude is missing, use these fixed attributes
fallback_y If the latitude/longitude is missing, use these fixed attributes

If history_start & history_end are set the card will display a line with all the previous locations (a track) for a particular entity.

WMS and tile_layers options
name note
url The url of the layer
options The leaflet layer WMS options or Tile Layer options
Extra Tile Layers

The leaflet-extras has a nice list of available tile layer providers.

Mentions & Discussions