
Ansible role to install my screenrc

MIT LicenseMIT

  • Install a screenrc template
  • Crypt and use a password if requested (use no_log)


Install via Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install thydel.my-screenrc

Or use from local clone:

sudo aptitude install whois # mkpasswd
screenrc-play.yml -i locahost, -c local -D

Role Variables

screen_password is the clear text password presumably from vault or vars_prompt. Ignored by template if undefined or empty string.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  user: thy
    - name: screen password
      prompt: screen_password
      private: yes
	- thydel.my-screenrc


  • Should take user as parameter
  • Should allow use of user system password
  • Could allow multiple user setup
  • Could allow multiple screenc switch
  • Could allow parametric predefined screen context