
Use gmk for inventories

Primary LanguageMakefile


make main
make main OLD=1


  • On Debian9
  • You are in group staff


aptitude install make python jq git hub proot moreutils
  • hub package may be to old
  • jq package may be to old

Install recent hub

Only needed to create github repo from a boot file

wget https://github.com/github/hub/releases/download/v2.12.3/hub-linux-amd64-2.12.3.tgz
tar zxvf hub-linux-amd64-2.12.3.tgz
proot -w hub-linux-amd64-2.12.3 ./install

Install recent jq

Compile latest version

To be replaced by a Makefile

# Looks like ansible-stable-2.8 don't evaluate become in loops
git clone --branch stable-2.7 --recursive git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git ansible-stable-2.7
source ansible-stable-2.7/hacking/env-setup -q
./install-jq.yml -i localhost,

Get latest compiled version


wget https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.6/jq-linux64
install -m +x jq-linux64 /usr/local/bin/jq

Install gmk

git clone git@github.com:thydel/gmk.git
make -C gmk -f gmk install

Init local repo

git init gmk-inventories

Then works from gmk-inventories

Init gmk

gmk file=boot init
  • Create a boot.js file from boot.yml

  • Create a boot.mk file from boot.js

  • Include boot.mk to

    • Create a hub config file using token in pass
    • Create .mailmap
    • Adds files and dirs to exclude in .git/info/exclude

Create github repo

gmk file=boot self/create

Will display the cmd to run

Add files to repos and make first commit

git add .
git ci -m 'First commit'
git push --set-upstream origin master

Add and use a gmk file

gmk default do gmk.yml arg file

gmk self/config
gmk mailmap
gmk conf
gmk mailmaps

Add and use a Makefile to generate inventory

Makefile will build inventory files from the mix of public and private repos of gmk.yml

make main

Choose and configure ansible

make -C ext/ansible-cfg install
ansible-cfg median
source <(use-ansible)
ansible-cfg exclude

Use ansible with inventory

source <(use-ansible)
ansible 'n_admin2:!g_poweredoff' -om ping