
Infra playbooks public parts, reboot

Primary LanguageMakefile

Mininal setup

ansible-cfg median
ln -s /usr/local/etc/epi/inventory
ln -s /usr/local/etc/epi/data
. <(use-ansible)
helper run init-play-dir
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


Generate ansible config

Use ansible-cfg

mkdir -p ext
git -C ext clone git@github.com:thydel/ansible-cfg.git
make -C ext/ansible-cfg install

Generate config

ansible-cfg.mk median

Update .gitignore

ansible localhost -m setup -a filter=ansible_env | grep PWD # fill the cache with current PWD
ansible-cfg.yml -e dir=$(pwd) # or tell ansible

Define private variables

The paths.yml file define relative paths for

  • private_repos_file a requirement.yml like file for private data repos
  • keys_file to define default_key, the default ssh key for private repos
  • workdir where to clone private data repos

In your private_repos_file define choose repos for

  • inventories
  • password-store
  • others private requested repos (starting from private infra-data-repos)
  • Optionnaly define gpg-store

e.g. I do

cp ~/usr/thydel.d/ssh-config/keys.yml .
cp ~/usr/epipar.d/infra-data-repos/private-repos.yml . # Then edit to keep what I need

You can also start from skeleton

Get private repos

Use ansible-get-priv-repos

git -C ext clone git@github.com:thydel/ansible-get-priv-repos.git
make -C ext/ansible-get-priv-repos install

Get repos

get-priv-repos.yml -e dir=$(pwd)

get-priv-repos.yml use paths.yml to access private_repos_file, keys_file and workdir.

Generate and install inventories

make -C ext/inventories undone
make -C ext/inventories
rsync -av ext/inventories/inventory .

Generate ips and see what's new

make -C ext/ips
make -C ext/ips diff