
Upgrade all of our debians nodes while taking care of holding local packages


  • Upgrade all of our debians nodes while taking care of holding local packages
  • Commit changes to /etc before upgrading if needed
  • Keep a list of upgraded packages with pre and post version in /etc/upgraded/$DATE
  • Commit changes to /etc after upgrading if needed




First, hold local packages

apt-hold.yml -l "$pattern" -C
apt-hold.yml -e notfoundok=True -l "$pattern" -C
apt-hold.yml -e notfoundok=True -e show=True -l "$pattern"
  • The default search expression for packages to put on hold is ?and(?maintainer(epiconcept), ?installed)
  • When option notfoundok is True it is not an error for the search result list to be empty
  • Option show gives a list of currently held packages, a list of found packages matching search expression and the difference between held and found

Then upgrade

apt-upgrade.yml -l "$pattern" -e show=True -DC
apt-upgrade.yml -l "$pattern" -e show=True -e com=True -D