
A journal of dokuwiki installation

Table of Contents

Install dokuwiki

A journal of dokuwiki installation

export domain=domain.tld

NOPASSWD for the session

echo '%sudo-nopasswd ALL = (ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/sudo-nopasswd
sudo addgroup --system sudo-nopasswd
sudo adduser $USER sudo-nopasswd
newgrp - sudo-nopasswd
export USER=$(id -un)
# Don't forget to "sudo deluser $USER sudo-nopasswd" at session end

First sight

After ssh node.$domain -AX


lsb_release -a
dpkg -l | wc -l

cat /proc/meminfo | head

sudo apt install lshw
sudo lshw -short

# sudo apt install util-linux

sudo iptables-save

df -h
ps -auxwwf | less

ss -tarp

awk NF /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -v ^#

awk -F: '$3 > 1000' /etc/passwd

sudo find / -path /proc -prune -o -perm -4000
sudo find / -path /proc -prune -o -size +50M

sudo lastb | awk '{print$1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head

Update the system

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
cat /proc/version
ls -l /boot | grep vmlinuz | head -1
# We sould reboot

Prepare to use ansible

Get ansible

For the dependencies

sudo apt install ansible

Get the latest stable version

sudo apt install git
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/ext; sudo chown $USER:staff /usr/local/ext; sudo chmod g+w /usr/local/ext
sudo adduser $USER staff
newgrp - staff
export USER=$(id -un)
(cd /usr/local/ext && test -d ansible-stable-2.9 || git clone --branch stable-2.9 --recursive git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git ansible-stable-2.9)

Note that in real life we would be on a control node, not on an install node

Get our plays

git clone git@github.com:thydel/install-dokuwiki.git

Get dependencies

cd install-dokuwiki
export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=~/.ansible/roles
ansible-galaxy install -r requirement.yml

Add an inventory

echo wiki ansible_host=localhost ansible_connection=local domain=$domain > inventory

Use our plays


A very basic invocation of geerlingguy.apache

export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=inventory
source /usr/local/ext/ansible-stable-2.9/hacking/env-setup -q
ansible-playbook install-apache.yml
sudo apt install lynx
wget http://localhost -qO- | lynx -stdin -dump | head
wget http://wiki.$domain -qO- | lynx -stdin -dump | head


A minimal invocation of geerlingguy.apache

ansible-playbook install-php.yml -e test=1
wget http://localhost/info.php -qO- | lynx -stdin -dump | head
sudo rm /var/www/html/info.php


Role arguments comme from role README with

  • Addition of a vhost param
  • Change of default values for user, provision and configure_apache2 param
  • Change of admin user password hash (hash=$(htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" $password | tr -d ':\n'))
ansible-playbook install-dokuwiki.yml
wget http://wiki.$domain -qO- | lynx -stdin -dump | head


As my previous experience with letsencrypt.org was limited to obtaining an renewing a unique wildcard certificate, I hesitate between using a role based on certbot and the native acme ansible module set.

I tried and failed to find a convincing existing role for certbot but it seems such a role would be overkill for this oneliner task anyway.

ansible-playbook install-certbot.yml
wget -q --server-response http://wiki.$domain
wget https://wiki.$domain -qO- | lynx -stdin -dump | head

Note that as certbot do configure the TLS vhost replaying install-dokuwiki.yml would mangle the configuration, but playing again install-certbot.yml will would fix it.


  • Minimal 7 days TGZ of the whole filetree
  • Should be remote sync
  • Could be crypted
  • Could use simple rsync base incremental (link based) scheme
  • Should be generated by a play using common data with other plays for file paths
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/backups
echo '30 6 * * *  root tar -C /var/www/vhosts -czf /usr/local/var/backups/wiki.'$domain'.$(date +\%u).tgz wiki.'$domain | sudo tee -a /etc/cron.d/wiki_$(echo $domain | tr . _)