coq concepts


  • term: basic expression, x.
  • type: a term needs a type to be valid, x:T. Types are terms.
  • command: be used to modify the state of a Coq document. Coq command index.
  • tactic: specifies how to transform the current proof state as a step in creating a proof. Coq tactic index.


  • sentence: Coq documents are made of a series of sentences that contain commands or tactics. Sentence is terminated with . and may be decorated with attributes.
  • attribute: setting, modifies the behavior of a single sentence.
  • flag: setting, modifies the behavior of multiple sentences, boolean value.
  • option: like flag but numeric/string value.
  • table: like flag but strings value.


  • sort: Types are terms, so types have types (called sorts). Base sorts are SProp, Prop, Set.
  • Prop: type of logical propositions. M:Prop is a logical proposition, m:M is a proof. M:Prop are called form, a subclass of term.
  • SProp: like Prop, but have irrelevant proofs (all proofs are equal).
  • Set: type of small sets.

Note: Prop:Type(1), SProp:Type(1), Set:Type(1), Type(i):Type(i+1). But users only see Prop:Type, SProp:Type, Set:Prop, Type:Type.


  • function: syntax like fun ident: type => term, e.g. fun x: A => x is the id function on type A.
  • function type: syntax like forall ident: type1, type2, denote the product type of variable ident of type type1 over type2.
    1. if ident is used in type2, this is a dependent product
    2. if ident is not used in type2, this is a non-dependent product, alse written as forall _: A, B or A -> B, used to denote both propositional implication and function types.
  • assumption: extend the global environment with axioms, parameters, hypotheses or variables. bind ident with type.


  • definition: extend the global environment by associating names to terms.
(* *)
Definition ID := forall A:Type, A -> A.
Definition id : ID := fun A x => x.

This defines ID with type forall A : Type, A -> A and id with type fun (A:Type) (x:A) => x. The A in id is an implicit argument (a language extension, see Implicit arguments). You can use command:

Check (id 2).
Check (@id nat 2).
  • assertion: states a proposition (or a type). enter proof mode.


  • cbv, call by value?
  • reduction
    • beta-reduction, eliminates fun
    • zeta-reduction, eliminates let
    • match-reduction, eliminates match
    • delta-reduction, eliminates variable/constant
    • fix-reduction, replace fix
    • cofix-reduction, replace cofix
    • iota-reduction, do match-, fix- and cofix-reduction.
  • expansion
    • eta-expansion, replace forall with fun
Coq < Goal 1 + 1 = 2.
1 goal
  1 + 1 = 2

Unnamed_thm0 < cbv delta.
1 goal
  (fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
     match n with
     | 0 => m
     | S p => S (add p m)
     end) 1 1 = 2

Unnamed_thm0 < cbv fix.
1 goal
  (fun n m : nat =>
   match n with
   | 0 => m
   | S p =>
         ((fix add (n0 m0 : nat) {struct n0} : nat :=
             match n0 with
             | 0 => m0
             | S p0 => S (add p0 m0)
             end) p m)
   end) 1 1 = 2

Unnamed_thm0 < cbv beta.
1 goal
  match 1 with
  | 0 => 1
  | S p =>
        ((fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
            match n with
            | 0 => m
            | S p0 => S (add p0 m)
            end) p 1)
  end = 2

Unnamed_thm0 < cbv match.
1 goal
    ((fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
        match n with
        | 0 => m
        | S p => S (add p m)
        end) 0 1) = 2

Unnamed_thm0 < cbv fix.
1 goal
    ((fun n m : nat =>
      match n with
      | 0 => m
      | S p =>
            ((fix add (n0 m0 : nat) {struct n0} : nat :=
                match n0 with
                | 0 => m0
                | S p0 => S (add p0 m0)
                end) p m)
      end) 0 1) = 2

Unnamed_thm0 < cbv beta.
1 goal
    match 0 with
    | 0 => 1
    | S p =>
          ((fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
              match n with
              | 0 => m
              | S p0 => S (add p0 m)
              end) p 1)
    end = 2

Unnamed_thm0 < cbv match.
1 goal
  2 = 2


Coq < Variant vsex: Type := vmale | vfemale.
vsex is defined

Coq < Definition vtrans (s: vsex): vsex := match s with
Coq < | vmale => vfemale
Coq < | vfemale => vmale
Coq < end .
vtrans is defined

Coq < Compute (vtrans vfemale).
     = vmale
     : vsex

(* *)
Fail Inductive Lam := lam (_ : Lam -> Lam).
Fixpoint infinite_loop l : False :=
  match l with lam x => infinite_loop (x l) end.
Check infinite_loop (lam (@id Lam)) : False.
(* *)
Opaque id.
Goal id 10 = 10.
(* *)
Definition id {A : Type} (x : A) : A := x.


  • inductive construction


  • datatype: part of preclude of Coq library, defined as inductive constructions over the sort Set.