
A stand-alone IndieAuth identity-provider service, for most of your IndieAuth endpoint needs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to my IndieAuth-er


IndieAuth is a protocol which facilitates identifying users uniquely by the URLs they control to third-party applications. It is an extension of Oauth 2.

This service implements the functionality required to negotiate that identity authentication and validation.

Let's Do Some Auth

A user is an entity known to this service, with a credential (currently a password) used to authenticate and login to this service.
Authentication of a user is handled by either a hashed password stored securely in one of the available database engines, or by optionally delegating to the host machine's PAM subsystem. PAM can be used to leverage, exempli gratia, LDAP integration for user authentication.

A profile is a URL (under control of a user) which contents includes the necessary meta-data informing an application to contact this service for identification validation. Each user may have one or more profiles.

Each profile may also be associated with a customizable list of additional scopes which may be added to any application client grant for convenience.

An example of the user-interface when granting consent to a client application: Consent page

Resource Service Integration

Other services (resources) may make calls to validate token grants by configuring a pre-shared secret, and authenticating to this server using an HMAC-style bearer token scheme.

Ticket Auth

This service can accept proffered authentication tickets. It will attempt to redeem any proffered tickets, then publish the resulting tokens to a configured AMQP/RabbitMQ queue for other services to make use of. If no AMQP server is configured, the ticket endpoint will be disabled and not advertised.

Ensure the output of the script bin/ticket-queue-profile.js is executed on RabbitMQ server to install the needed queue profile.

A ticket-sending UI is also available: Ticket Offer page


A granted token is an encrypted identifier (specifically a UUID assigned to the initial authentication request) which references the user/client relationship stored in the database. Details such as granted scopes, token expiration, refreshability, and revocation status are stored there.

Uh, more later.

Entity relationship diagram for Postgres engine


This implementation is built atop an in-house API framework, for Reasons. Limiting the footprint of external dependencies as much as is reasonable is a design goal.

File Tour

  • bin/ - utility scripts
  • config/
    • default.js - defines all configuration parameters' default values
    • index.js - merges an environment's values over defaults
    • *.js - environment specific values, edit these as needed
  • server.js - launches the application server
  • src/
    • chores.js - recurring maintenance tasks
    • common.js - utility functions
    • db/
      • abstract.js - base database class that any engine will implement
      • errors.js - database Error types
      • index.js - database factory
      • schema-version-helper.js - schema migrations aide
      • postgres/
        • index.js - PostgreSQL engine implementation
        • sql/ - statements and schemas
      • sqlite/
        • index.js - SQLite engine implementation
        • sql - statements and schemas
    • enum.js - invariants
    • errors.js - local Error types
    • logger/
      • data-sanitizers.js - logger helpers to scrub sensitive and verbose data
      • index.js - a very simple logging class
    • manager.js - process incoming requests, most of application logic resides here
    • service.js - defines incoming endpoints, linking the API server framework to the manager methods
    • template/ - HTML content
  • static/ - static web assets, CSS, images, et cetera
  • test/ - unit and coverage tests