
Unresolved reference: setTextInputLayoutErrorTextAppearance

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hitch commented

all working fine , but TEXT_INPUT_LAYOUT having issue with setTextInputLayoutErrorTextAppearance
Check image below

Hi @Hitch, you're right. It's because setTextInputLayoutErrorTextAppearance is a new API which was added recently, and there is no release for that yet (sorry for my bad). Nevertheless, you can still use the feature by importing the dependency as below (import the project commit including this code change):

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.thyrlian:AwesomeValidation:1c6e59e1ba35ff0350dbd86dc42b9b1a45c0417f'

Thanks for reporting the issue, will release soon to "fix it".

Hi @Hitch, v4.2 was just tested and released (including this API change). You can simply grab it by:

implementation 'com.basgeekball:awesome-validation:4.2'