Android validation library which helps developer boil down the tedious work to three easy steps.
- 0
Alert Dialog
#93 opened by LeonelZalegas - 1
TextInputEditText crash
#92 opened by angelcatu - 0
- 1
The listener for all validation results
#90 opened by XiaoRanLiu3119 - 1
Help creating Regex for custom use cases
#86 opened by rk8339811 - 3
Email validation issue
#88 opened by FALL1N1dev - 3
Release to maven central
#85 opened by om26er - 12
TextInputLayout validation doesn't work.
#35 opened by khadkarajesh - 1
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Migrate to Kotlin
#74 opened by shbhmnk - 3
- 1
- 3
Double Validation with different Error String
#34 opened by regifr - 3
Debugging is not working in Andorid studio with use of Awesome validation in debug builds
#80 opened by johnsonkhristi - 5
validate() always return true in DialogFragment
#79 opened by isairuiz - 2
Duplicate Underlabels When Validating Twice
#78 opened by mbobic93 - 2
Individual Validation On Losing Focus
#73 opened by RayyanTahir - 5
Crash when triggering .validate() twice
#62 opened by pedrovilela - 1
custom dialog box
#71 opened by tarek-xx - 1
Error: Program type already present:
#70 opened by DohaBasem - 1
Single validation removal
#69 opened by ChinHairSaintClair - 1
Add simple custom validation function
#68 opened - 2
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Problem when using another language..
#66 opened by SunilThombare - 1
Annotation support required
#60 opened by Sumit-Chakole - 1
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Custom error color on TEXT_INPUT_LAYOUT
#63 opened by itryp - 0
Kotlin Samples
#61 opened by Sumit-Chakole - 4
How to simply say that a field is required?
#59 opened by sarbogast - 3
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Focus runs away ... :(
#43 opened by rnitame - 2
Required validation on ImageView
#44 opened by myeduapp - 4
Validation of Spinner/Spinner selection
#57 opened by lordplagus02 - 0
Can not set Compound Drawable
#56 opened by TasTugberk - 1
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- 1
#52 opened by thyrlian - 8
Don't validate invisible or gone fields
#37 opened by MatthieuFereyre - 1
error getColor()
#51 opened by sondangpangaribuan - 3
Custom color for UnderLabel mode
#36 opened by MatthieuFereyre - 3
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Override for TextInputLayout seems broken
#47 opened by lordplagus02 - 1
How to add multiple validations
#48 opened by kcdhaker1987 - 0
add support for appcompat-v7:25.3.1
#46 opened by RaymondMwaura - 1
- 8
- 3
How to use in Fragment
#40 opened by dhinakaransdk - 7
Radio Button Validation
#39 opened by vinc4 - 3
AwesomeValidation not working inside Fragment
#38 opened by aj019