
Convert the results of Infer (static analyzer by Facebook) to JUnit format results.

Primary LanguageRuby

jooi (Junit Output of Infer)

Convert the results of Infer (static analyzer by Facebook) to JUnit format results.


  • Have Ruby installed;
  • Have nokogiri gem installed (if not, run gem install nokogiri);

Jenkins Configure

  • Build -> Execute shell -> Command
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Supported build systems by Infer:
#   http://fbinfer.com/docs/analyzing-apps-or-projects.html
# Example analyze commands for Infer:
#   infer -- gradle <gradle_task>
#   infer -- xcodebuild -target <target_name> -configuration <build_configuration> -sdk iphonesimulator
#   infer -- xcodebuild -workspace <workspace_name> -scheme <scheme_name> -configuration <build_configuration> -sdk iphonesimulator
set -o pipefail
<infer_analyze_command> | ruby junit_output_of_infer.rb $PWD/infer_junit_results.xml
  • Post-build Actions -> Publish JUnit test result report -> Test report XMLs -> infer_junit_results.xml


  • Q: <some_internal_ruby_file>.rb:<line_number>: warning: Insecure world writable dir </some/path> in PATH, mode 040777
  • A: chmod go-w </some/path>