A fast assets manager, that takes a folder and delivers minified & combined assets per type(css/js), works with css & js & .scss(sass). Essentially also a sass compiler.
<?php assets('/assets/css/', 'all'); ?>
<?php assets('/assets/js/', 'all'); ?>
// Same as above, (short hand)
<?php assets('/assets/css/'); ?>
<?php assets('/assets/js/'); ?>
// List of files specifically
<?php assets('/assets/css/', 'main.css, header.scss'); ?>
<?php assets('/assets/js/', 'main.js, module.js'); ?>
// Lists files to exclude
<?php assets('/assets/css/', null, 'main.css, header.scss'); ?>
<?php assets('/assets/js/', null, 'main.js, module.js'); ?>
// Specify different folder to save minified folder. default = first param + '/minified/'
<?php assets('/assets/css/', null, null, '/folder/to/save/minfied/'); ?>
<?php assets('/assets/js/', null, null, '/folder/to/save/minfied/'); ?>
// Unminified
<?php assets('/assets/css/', null, null, null, false); ?>
<?php assets('/assets/js/', null, null, null, false); ?>
// Sass output style
<?php assets('/assets/css/', null, null, null, 'nested'); ?>
// Specify main/single source file that imports all your files
<?php assets('/assets/stylesheets/', 'style.scss'); ?>
// Force refresh(normally only updates minified file after changes have occured to source files)
<?php assets('/assets/stylesheets/', null, null, null, null, true); ?>
// Don't echo stylesheet/script links, returns url to minified file
<?php assets('/assets/stylesheets/', null, null, null, null, null, true); ?>
// Using an array
'directory' => '',
* Directory we look for the files specified in 'include' option
* Also the default directory for 'output'
'include' => 'all'|string,
* Files to include, all/left blank inclues all files in the directory
* Can specify specific files i.e main.scss.
'exclude' => null|string,
* Files to exclude, i.e if you include all files in a folder but want to exclude a few.
'output' => null|string,
* Where to save the output minified files i.e all.min.css/js
* defaults to save in a minified folder created in the directory before
* the specified directory, i.e for '/assets/stylesheets/' it will be /assets/
'minify' => true|bool,
* true|false, whether to minify the output or not.
* can also be a sass output style. can be: "nested", "expanded", "compact", "compressed".
'refresh' => true|bool,
* true|false, whether to always refresh, only applies to development(doesn't apply on production)
* The default behaviour is to refresh only when the source file changes.
* Since the default behaviour does not take into account sass import files if you're using one base sass file.
* This is a good option to enable of you go that route.
'return' => null|bool
* Normally a <script>(js) or <link>(css) is echoed to the html
* This option disables, the return value of $value = assets(options)
* Will be the url to the minified file.
- Location to assets folder i.e for css it could be '/assets/css/' **(required)
- 'all' or a list of files seperated by (,) comma or left blank(defaults 'all'). **(optional)
- list of files to exclude seperated by (,) comma or left blank(defaults to exlcude none) **(optional)
- location to save '/minified/' assets folder to **(optional)
- Bool, true || false if you want the assets minified or not, or a sass style "nested | expanded | compact | compressed"
<script src="/assets/minified/all.min.modified-time-stamp.js">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/minified/all.min.modified-time-stamp.css">
├─── index.php
├─── assets
│ ├── images
│ ├── css
| | |── style.css
│ | └── libs
| | └── library.css
│ └── js
| |── scripts.js
│ └── libs
└── library.js
The first parameter i.e '/assets/css/' being the www path to the specific asset folder, the second being a list of files i.e
'scripts.js, main.js' seperated by (,) comma or just 'all' to watch all files changes.
given '/assets/css/' it looks for all files in the specified directory, minifies them and combines them into one all.min.js/all.min.css & all.js/all.css.
It does Sass, you can write .scss files and they will be evaluated at dev-runtime(it does not run on production) to update all.css.
Apart from the generation of all.js/css files it serves the cached copy if nothing has changed(always defaults to this production), and updates the cached copy only on the first request if something has.
Files are added to all.js alphabetically, so if you name a file something like ___jquery.js it will come before _second.js or third.js in the minified all.js/css, this can helps with javascript if you want one library that another depends on to come first. Also files ending with .min.ext, i.e main.min.js or main.min.css do not get processed/minified/sass compiled.