Hi! I'm Lamisa 👩🏻‍🦱

I'm a product manager turned full stack software engineer. (Ask me why and make me a millionaire 💸)

👩🏻‍💻  I'm currently freelancing as a frontend engineer but am open for hire.
🌱  At the moment, I'm learning Python and exploring the world of Data Structures & Algorithms.

🌆 Most of my days consist of almost everything you see in the video! The only thing that I don't have on record is me being unable to sit still when there's music playing 💃


💡Projects Spotlight💡



Tools used: React, Sass, MySQL, NodeJS, ExpressJS

Dev's Board is a mood board creator where users can select a keyword from a list that describes their project and the program will display a color palette and set of pictures for insipiration.



Tools used: NodeJS, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM

A Hashnode-inspired blog API where users can register, log in, follow other users and perform CRUD operations on posts. Users can also save posts as drafts, like them, and comment on them. Users can also follow other users.


I have the working knowledge of:

html css javascript react node python aws mysql postgresql prisma express ionic

I have been exposed to:

typescript angular redux bootstrap styled components jest docker graphql github actions tailwind