
Class library for working with tabular data, especially CSV files

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


C# project for reading and writing CSVs. 

Libaries for easy reading, writing, and manipulation of CSV files. Handles linq, creating tables from IEnumerable<T>, dictionaries, in-memory mutable tables,  streaming through large tables.

It's an easier data table than System.Data.DataTable.

This was extremely handy in a few projects. So I thought I'd put it up on GitHub and polish it up.

A few quick examples:

// Download as CsvTools from Nuget to include in your C# project.
using DataAccess;

var dt = DataTable.New.ReadCsv(filename); // load a CSV from disk

// Linq against the rows
var y = from row in dt.Rows where row["N"] == "3" select row["NSquared"];

// Linq with strongly-typed parsing, using RowAs<T>() method
class Entry
    public int N { get; set; }
    public int NSquared { get; set; }
int y = (from row in dt.RowsAs<Entry>() where row.N == 3 select row.NSquared).First();

// Create a table around an IEnumerable and then save back as a CSV
var x = from i in Enumerable.Range(1, 5) select new { N = i, NSquared = i * i };
DataTable dt = DataTable.New.FromEnumerable(x);
dt.SaveToStream(Console.Out); // write back out as a CSV

Also includes support for reading an excel file (.xlsx)
  var dt = DataTable.New.ReadExcel(@"c:\temp\foo.xlsx");
  var names = from row in dt.Rows where int.Parse(row["age"]) > 10 select row["Name"];
See here for more about reading excel: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jmstall/archive/2012/04/24/excel-on-azure.aspx