A small client-side library with zero dependencies to change the title and/or favicon of the page when it is inactive. :relieved:
- 0
EN: Not working.
#29 opened by uurcan7 - 1
Add feature to set multiple faviconSrc's
#27 opened by tiaanduplessis - 1
RawGit is shutting down
#19 opened by ptrkrlsrd - 1
Create a message loop
#9 opened by diegotfcastro - 0
Clean up build steps
#7 opened by tiaanduplessis - 10
title and favicon doesn't change back
#6 opened by hadifarnoud - 2
dont-go.js:43 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setAttribute' of undefined
#5 opened by hadifarnoud - 1
- 1
CDN instructions are wrong
#1 opened by nealrs