This script can convert your .robot files from Robot Framework to reStructuredText (.rst) files with traceable items.
This script allows you to connect your requirements to test cases via the mlx.traceability Sphinx extension. Test cases get converted to traceable items. The documentation of each test gets used to generate the body of the item. Test case names get converted to item IDs with a configurable prefix. Tags can be used to link to other traceable items.
robot2rst -i example.robot -o test_plan.rst --prefix ITEST_MY_LIB- \
--tags SWRQT- SYSRQT- --relationships validates ext_toolname --coverage 100 66.66
$ robot2rst --help
usage: robot2rst [-h] -i ROBOT_FILE -o RST_FILE [--only EXPRESSION] [-p PREFIX]
[-r [RELATIONSHIPS ...]] [-t [TAGS ...]] [--include [INCLUDE ...]]
[-c [COVERAGE ...]] [--type TYPE] [--trim-suffix]
Convert robot test cases to reStructuredText with traceable items.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input robot file
Output RST file, e.g. my_component_qtp.rst
--only EXPRESSION Expression of tags for Sphinx' `only` directive that surrounds all
RST content. By default, no `only` directive is generated.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
Overrides the default 'QTEST-' prefix.
-r [RELATIONSHIPS ...], --relationships [RELATIONSHIPS ...]
Name(s) of the relationship(s) used to link to items in Tags section.
The default value is 'validates'.
-t [TAGS ...], --tags [TAGS ...]
Zero or more Python regexes for matching tags to treat them as
traceable targets via a relationship. All tags get matched by
--include [INCLUDE ...]
Zero or more Python regexes for matching tags to filter test cases.
If every regex matches at least one of a test case's tags, the test
case is included.
-c [COVERAGE ...], --coverage [COVERAGE ...]
Minimum coverage percentages for the item-matrix(es); 1 value per tag
in -t, --tags.
--type TYPE Give value that starts with 'q' or 'i' (case-insensitive) to
explicitly define the type of test: qualification/integration test.
The default is 'qualification'.
--trim-suffix If the suffix of any prefix or --tags argument ends with '_-' it gets
trimmed to '-'.
To include the script's output in your documentation you want to add the aforementioned extension to your
list in your like so:
extensions = [
Please read the documentation of mlx.traceability for additional configuration steps.
If you use the --only
input argument, you should also add 'sphinx_selective_exclude.eager_only'
to the
list to prevent mlx.traceability from parsing the content and ignoring the effect of the