
A post install for Ubuntu 22.04

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Ubuntu Setup


This is a automatic system setup for Ubuntu 24.04.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You can download ubuntu-setup branch from github. Or cloning this git repository:

git clone https://github.com/tiagoFlach/ubuntu-setup.git


On Ubuntu, the following command will run the setup.sh script:

sudo ./setup-ubuntu.sh

Or you can run an script from the extras directory:

sudo ./extras/FILE.sh

Replace FILE with the name of the script you want.


This script automatically installs the following softwares:

  • Main:

    • AnyDesk
    • Apostrophe (flatpak)
    • Bitwarden (flatpak)
    • Celluloid (flatpak)
    • Collision (flatpak)
    • Cpu-X
    • Decoder (flatpak)
    • Decibels (flatpak)
    • Discord (flatpak)
    • Extension Manager (flatpak)
    • Eyedropper (flatpak)
    • Firefox
    • Fragments (flatpak)
    • Inkscape
    • Inspector (flatpak)
    • Google Chrome
    • Google Earth Pro
    • Gimp (flatpak)
    • LibreOffice
    • Loupe (flatpak)
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Mousai (flatpak)
    • MuseScore (snap)
    • NewsFlash (flatpak)
    • OBS Studio (flatpak)
    • Paleta (flatpak)
    • Remmina (flatpak)
    • Scrcpy (snap)
    • Shortwave (flatpak)
    • Simplenote (snap)
    • Skype (flatpak)
    • Slack (flatpak)
    • Sound Recorder (flatpak)
    • Space Cadet Pinball (flatpak)
    • Spotify (flatpak)
    • Stellarium
    • Stacer
    • Synaptic
    • Telegram (flatpak)
    • TimeShift
    • Tube Converter (flatpak)
    • Upscaler (flatpak)
    • VirtualBox
    • VLC (flatpak)
    • What IP (flatpak)
  • CLI:

    • git
    • htop
    • neofetch
    • speedtest-cli
    • yt-dlp
  • System:

    • apt-transport-https
    • curl
    • exfat-fuse
    • ffmpeg
    • laptop-mode-tools
    • lsb
    • net-tools
    • nautilus-image-converter
    • ubuntu-restricted-extras
    • unrar
    • unzip
    • usb-creator-gtk
    • v4l2loopback-dkms
    • wnctrl
    • zip
  • Fonts:

    • fonts-apropal
    • fonts-atarismall
    • fonts-baekmuk
    • fonts-bajaderka
    • fonts-blankenburg
    • fonts-cantarell
    • fonts-cascadia-code
    • fonts-comfortaa
    • fonts-dejavu-extra
    • fonts-fanwood
    • fonts-firacode
    • fonts-font-awesome
    • fonts-gamaliel
    • fonts-glasstty
    • fonts-hack
    • fonts-hack-ttf
    • fonts-havana
    • fonts-inter
    • fonts-inter-variable
    • fonts-junicode
    • fonts-lato
    • fonts-league-spartan
    • fonts-lemonada
    • fonts-le-murmure
    • fonts-lexi-gulim
    • fonts-lindenhill
    • fonts-lmodern
    • fonts-lyx
    • fonts-millimetre
    • fonts-mplus
    • fonts-nanum
    • fonts-noto-color-emoji
    • fonts-open-sans
    • fonts-osifont
    • fonts-oxygen
    • fonts-paratype
    • fonts-prociono
    • fonts-roboto
    • fonts-roboto-slab
    • fonts-tomsontalks
    • fonts-ubuntu-console
    • fonts-vollkorn
    • fonts-yanone-kaffeesatz
    • ttf-ancient-fonts
    • ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  • Gnome:

    • chrome-gnome-shell
    • dconf-editor
    • gnome-backgrounds
    • gnome-boxes (flatpak)
    • gnome-clocks
    • gnome-epub-thumbnailer
    • gnome-firmware
    • gnome-maps (flatpak)
    • gnome-shell-extensions
    • gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
    • gnome-tweaks
    • gnome-weather
    • gparted


Contains scripts for the automatic installation of the following softwares:

  • Composer
  • Development Apps
    • Android Studio
    • Atom
    • Eclipse
    • DBeaver
    • Git
    • GitHub CLI
    • GitKraken
    • IntelliJ
    • Insomnia
    • Meson
    • MySQL Workbench
    • Ninja
    • NodeJs
    • NPM
    • PhpStorm
    • Poedit
    • Postman
    • Python Pip
    • Sublime Merge
    • Sublime Text
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Zed
  • Lamp
    • Apache
    • MySql
    • PHP
    • phpMyAdmin
  • Laravel
  • Popcorn Time


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request



Distributed under the MIT license.
Copyright 2020 © tiagoFlach.