
Lositan/Mcheza selection detection workbench

Primary LanguageGnuplot


Selection detection workbenches

There is currently no online version of this.

Building from source

This project uses Gradle as its build system (including support for Gradle wrapper).

  1. Obtain the sources (download ZIP of sources, or clone the repository)
  2. In a terminal window, with the current path as the cloned/expanded source:
  • macOS/Linux: ./gradlew
  • Windows: gradlew.bat

This should perform the entire build, including downloading a compatible version of Gradle, and all required dependencies. The result should be distributable ZIP/TAR archives in the build/distributions directory, and a directly runnable version in build/install/lositan.

To run just after building:

  • macOS/Linux: ./build/install/lositan/lositan
  • Windows: build\install\lositan\lositan.bat