
Convert Balsamiq mockups into HTML and CSS code automatically with Deep learning


Convert Balsamiq mockups into HTML and CSS code automatically with Deep learning

This is a project done in a Master Thesis at University of Minho. The initial objective was to convert hand-drawn sketches into HTML and CSS code. Due to lack of datasets I used an online framework Balsamiq mockups to create the mockups. A Deep Learning model (developed in Keras) learns to convert the mockups into code automatically.

Uses a lot of technology to work properly:

  • [ReactJS] - Frontend
  • [Python] - Create the server
  • [Keras] - Development the Deep Learning model
  • [Balsamiq mockups] - Create the mockups
  • [HTML, CSS and Bootstrap] - Code generated by DL model
  • [Github] - evented I/O for the backend
  • [Nginx and apache server] -

Soon available code