Human friendly interface to linux subsystems using python.
Provides python access to several linux subsystems like V4L2, input and MIDI.
There is experimental, undocumented, incomplete and unstable access to USB.
- python >= 3.9
- Fairly recent linux kernel
- Installed kernel modules you want to access
And yes, it is true: there are no python libraries required! Also there are no C libraries required. Everything is done here through direct ioctl, read and write calls. Ain't linux wonderful?
From within your favorite python environment:
$ pip install linuxpy
To run the examples you'll need:
$ pip install linuxpy[examples]
To develop, run tests, build package, lint, etc you'll need:
$ pip install linuxpy[dev]
Video for Linux 2 (V4L2) python library
Without further ado:
>>> from import Device
>>> with Device.from_id(0) as cam:
>>> for i, frame in enumerate(cam):
... print(f"frame #{i}: {len(frame)} bytes")
... if i > 9:
... break
frame #0: 54630 bytes
frame #1: 50184 bytes
frame #2: 44054 bytes
frame #3: 42822 bytes
frame #4: 42116 bytes
frame #5: 41868 bytes
frame #6: 41322 bytes
frame #7: 40896 bytes
frame #8: 40844 bytes
frame #9: 40714 bytes
frame #10: 40662 bytes
Getting information about the device:
>>> from import Device, BufferType
>>> cam = Device.from_id(0)
'Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate'
[ImageFormat(type=<BufferType.VIDEO_CAPTURE: 1>, description=b'Motion-JPEG',
flags=<ImageFormatFlag.COMPRESSED: 1>, pixelformat=<PixelFormat.MJPEG: 1196444237>),
ImageFormat(type=<BufferType.VIDEO_CAPTURE: 1>, description=b'YUYV 4:2:2',
flags=<ImageFormatFlag.0: 0>, pixelformat=<PixelFormat.YUYV: 1448695129>)]
>>> cam.get_format(BufferType.VIDEO_CAPTURE)
Format(width=640, height=480, pixelformat=<PixelFormat.MJPEG: 1196444237>}
>>> for ctrl in cam.controls.values(): print(ctrl)
<IntegerControl brightness min=0 max=255 step=1 default=128 value=128>
<IntegerControl contrast min=0 max=255 step=1 default=32 value=32>
<BooleanControl exposure_dynamic_framerate default=False value=False>
>>> cam.controls.brightness
<IntegerControl brightness min=0 max=255 step=1 default=128 value=128>
>>> cam.controls.brightness.value = 64
>>> cam.controls.brightness
<IntegerControl brightness min=0 max=255 step=1 default=128 value=64>
(see also v4l2py-ctl example) is asyncio friendly:
$ python -m asyncio
>>> from import Device
>>> with Device.from_id(0) as camera:
... async for frame in camera:
... print(f"frame {len(frame)}")
frame 10224
frame 10304
frame 10224
frame 10136
(check basic async and web async examples) is also gevent friendly:
$ python
>>> from import GeventIO
>>> from import Device
>>> with Device.from_id(0, io=GeventIO) as camera:
... for frame in camera:
... print(f"frame {len(frame)}")
frame 10224
frame 10304
frame 10224
frame 10136
(check basic gevent and web gevent examples)
It is possible to write to a video output capable device (ex: v4l2loopback). The following example shows how to grab frames from device 0 and write them to device 10
>>> from import Device, VideoOutput, BufferType
>>> dev_source = Device.from_id(0)
>>> dev_sink = Device.from_id(10)
>>> with dev_source, dev_target:
>>> source = VideoCapture(dev_source)
>>> sink = VideoOutput(dev_sink)
>>> source.set_format(640, 480, "MJPG")
>>> sink.set_format(640, 480, "MJPG")
>>> with source, sink:
>>> for frame in source:
>>> sink.write(
You've been patient enough to read until here so, just for you, a 20 line gem: a flask web server displaying your device on the web:
$ pip install flask
import flask
from import Device
app = flask.Flask('basic-web-cam')
def gen_frames():
with Device.from_id(0) as cam:
for frame in cam:
yield b"--frame\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n" + + b"\r\n"
def index():
return '<html><img src="/stream" /></html>'
def stream():
return flask.Response(
gen_frames(), mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
run with:
$ FLASK_APP=web flask run -h
Point your browser to and you should see your camera rolling!
Start from scratch:
# Remove kernel module and all devices (no client can be connected at this point)
sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback
# Install some devices
sudo modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr=20,21 card_label="Loopback 0","Loopback 1"
See the linux/videodev2.h
header file for details.
API not documented yet. Just this example:
import time
from linuxpy.input.device import find_gamepads
pad = next(find_gamepads())
abs = pad.absolute
with pad:
while True:
print(f"X:{abs.x:>3} | Y:{abs.y:>3} | RX:{abs.rx:>3} | RY:{abs.ry:>3}", end="\r", flush=True)
$ python -m asyncio
>>> from linuxpy.input.device import find_gamepads
>>> with next(find_gamepads()) as pad:
... async for event in pad:
... print(event)
InputEvent(time=1697520475.348099, type=<EventType.SYN: 0>, code=<Synchronization.REPORT: 0>, value=0)
InputEvent(time=1697520475.361564, type=<EventType.REL: 2>, code=<Relative.X: 0>, value=-1)
InputEvent(time=1697520475.361564, type=<EventType.REL: 2>, code=<Relative.Y: 1>, value=1)
InputEvent(time=1697520475.361564, type=<EventType.SYN: 0>, code=<Synchronization.REPORT: 0>, value=0)
InputEvent(time=1697520475.371128, type=<EventType.REL: 2>, code=<Relative.X: 0>, value=-1)
InputEvent(time=1697520475.371128, type=<EventType.SYN: 0>, code=<Synchronization.REPORT: 0>, value=0)
$ python
>>> from linuxpy.midi.device import Sequencer, event_stream
>>> seq = Sequencer()
>>> with seq:
port = seq.create_port()
port.connect_from(14, 0)
for event in seq:
14:0 Note on channel=0, note=100, velocity=3, off_velocity=0, duration=0
14:0 Clock queue=0, pad=b''
14:0 System exclusive F0 61 62 63 F7
14:0 Note off channel=0, note=55, velocity=3, off_velocity=0, duration=0
asyncio is a first class citizen to linuxpy.midi:
$ python -m asyncio
>>> from linuxpy.midi.device import Sequencer, async_event_stream
>>> seq = Sequencer()
>>> with seq:
port = seq.create_port()
port.connect_from(14, 0)
async for event in async_event_stream(seq):
14:0 Note on channel=0, note=100, velocity=3, off_velocity=0, duration=0
14:0 Clock queue=0, pad=b''
14:0 System exclusive F0 61 62 63 F7
14:0 Note off channel=0, note=55, velocity=3, off_velocity=0, duration=0
A basic CLI is provided that allows listing MIDI clients & ports and dumping MIDI sequencer events:
$ python -m linuxpy.midi.cli ls
Port Client Port Type Capabilities
0:0 System Timer 0 SR, W, R
0:1 System Announce 0 SR, R
14:0 Midi Through Midi Through Port-0 PORT, SOFTWARE, MIDI_GENERIC SW, SR, W, R
$ python -m linuxpy.midi.cli listen 0:1 14:0
0:1 Port subscribed sender=(client=0, port=1), dest=(client=128, port=0)
0:1 Port start client=128, port=1
0:1 Port subscribed sender=(client=14, port=0), dest=(client=128, port=1)
0:1 Client start client=130, port=0
0:1 Port start client=130, port=0
0:1 Port subscribed sender=(client=130, port=0), dest=(client=14, port=0)
14:0 Note on channel=0, note=100, velocity=3, off_velocity=0, duration=0
0:1 Port unsubscribed sender=(client=130, port=0), dest=(client=14, port=0)
0:1 Port exit client=130, port=0
0:1 Client exit client=130, port=0
0:1 Port exit client=129, port=0
0:1 Client exit client=129, port=0
0:1 Client start client=129, port=0
0:1 Port start client=129, port=0
14:0 Note on channel=0, note=100, velocity=3, off_velocity=0, duration=0
14:0 Note on channel=0, note=0, velocity=255, off_velocity=0, duration=0
14:0 Note on channel=0, note=0, velocity=255, off_velocity=0, duration=0