A software that controls tasks of Spotify with gestures.
First of all, download and install Kinect SDK to enable the device in your computer. After that, install SpotifyAPI-NET and Microsoft Kinect dependencies. You can install the packages from NuGet Package Manager Console of Visual Studio's Tools bar, by using the following command:
Install-Package SpotifyAPI-NET -Version 2.19.0
Install-Package Microsoft.Kinect
Install-Package Microsoft.Kinect.VisualGestureBuilder.x64 -Version 2.0.1410.19000
After that, go to Tools tab again and choose the option "Manage NuGet Packages for Solution" to check if you have all updates installed.
- Go to IM Runtime folder, open the cmd executable and use the following command:
java -jar mmiframeworkV2
- Connect the Kinect
- Open Spotify
- Open and run the two Visual Studio projects: AppGui and gestureModality
To enter in Spotify, you've to use the following credentials:
E-mail: d1533276@nwytg.com
Password: IM20172018