TU Delft - AP3421 Project 18/19. Authors: Rui Maia (4942728) and Tiago Leao (4937589) In this directory there are the Python files using the SDK Qiskit to implement Shor's Algorithm. The algorithm was implemented using the description in the paper: Stephane Beauregard (2003), Circuit for Shors algorithm using 2n+3 qubits, Quantum Information and Computation, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2003) pp. 175-185. Also on quant-ph/0205095 This paper is referred the "base paper". All the files work with Qiskit version 0.7.0, that is a python library/package for Quantum Computing. To use Qiskit, Python must be installed and then Qiskit can be installed through: pip install qiskit If, when running this project, the Qiskit version installed is a later version, the project may naturally not work if some functions change. If it does not work, please uninstall that later Qiskit version through pip uninstall qiskit And then install the Qiskit version used in this project, through: pip install qiskit==0.7.0 This directory contains: -> this readme -> Shor_Normal_QFT.py - Has the implementation of Shor's Algorithm using as quantum circuit the first simplification of the base paper, the version using the "normal" QFT, that has a top register with 2n qubits -> Shor_Sequential_QFT.py - Has the implementation of Shor's Algorithm using as quantum circuit the second simplification explained in the base paper, the version using the "sequential" QFT, that has a top register with only 1 qubit and does 2n measurements until getting at the end of the circuit, being the results of those measurements the x_final, not needing to actually apply a QFT at the end of the circuit -> Test_QFT.py - Test file for user to test correctness of QFT implementation -> Test_Mult.py - Test file for user to test correctness of the modular multiplication component -> Test_classical_before_quantum.py - Test file for user to test correctness of the classical data treatment before the quantum circuit -> Test_classical_after_quantum.py - Test file for user to test correctness of the classical data treatment after the quantum circuit
This project implements Shor's Algorithm in IBM's Qiskit SDK in simulation, to link with the simulators from IBM Q Experience. It was done in the Quantum Information Project Course (AP3421) at TU Delft in the 2nd Quarter of 2018/2019. Authors: Rui Maia and Tiago Leão