
Vim plugin for gropen (Git Remote Open)

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Vim plugin for quickly opening local files and directories in remote git repositories.

This plugin was thought out to make it a breeze to share git-versioned code with your coworkers.



Feature Keybindings Command
Open current file in remote repo <leader>g :GropenFile()
Open current line in remote repo <leader>gl :GropenCurrentLine()
Open line range in remote repo visual mode + <leader>gr :GropenLineRange()



Make sure you have intalled on your system:

  1. Python >= 3.6
  2. Git
  3. gropen (pip install gropen)

Then you can use any package manager for Vim of your choice and add Gropen.vim to your .vimrc:

Plug 'tiagopog/gropen.vim'

Then run :PlugInstall.

Plugin 'tiagopog/gropen.vim'

Then run :PluginInstall.


This package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.