
Minimalistic flask template that can be used as a base to develop simple APIs on the Flask Framework, with swagger documentation integrated.

Primary LanguagePython

minimal viable flask cookiecutter

This project is a minimalistic flask template that can be used as a base to develop simple APIs on the Flask Framework, with swagger documentation integrated.

You already have a cookiecutter pretty similar. So, Why this project?

It was derived from `a version of my other cookiecutter , that has sqlalchemy and celery support and uses the modular factory/blueprints/extensions architecture recommended on Flask's official site. The celery and db support has been removed from this project to keep the footprint really minimal, to serve as a less bloated starting point.


  • A Makefile to wrap the most common operations and ease project management and , with commands to run the development server, the shell, etc...

  • python 3.9

  • flask 2.0

  • flasgger (swagger wrapper) as documentation for the API, using doctrings on the API endpoints to write the documentation.

  • gunicorn configured to run the project in the production environment.

  • pylint as the linter, black as the code formatter, isort to fix import order

  • pytest tests, with some plugins to ease presentation.

  • environment variables for configuration.

  • coverage report.

  • docker/podman image generation (properly tagged)

  • Sample endpoints working

How to use this cookiecutter

  • Install cookiecutter on your distribution (e.g. Ubuntu):

$ sudo apt install cookiecutter

  • If you want to clone this repository locally to run the cookiecutter also locally:
$ mkdir -p ~/cookiecutters
$ cd ~/cookiecutters
$ git clone  https://github.com/tiagoprn/minimal-viable-flask-cookiecutter
  • Enter the folder where your want to create your project locally:
cd ~/projects/
  • Run the cookiecutter from the local copy:

$ cookiecutter ~/cookiecutters/minimal-viable-flask-cookiecutter

... or directly from github (recommended):

$ cookiecutter gh:tiagoprn/minimal-viable-flask-cookiecutter

It will ask some questions with sane defaults, and then will generate a folder with the value you indicated for project_slug. Congratulations, this is your new minimal flask project! :)

  • Enter the project directory:

$ cd ~/projects/your-project_slug


$ make docker-build-local-app-container && make docker-run-local-app-container


$ make podman-build-local-app-container && make podman-run-local-app-container

Then, check the api documentation:

$ make api-docs


  • Create a virtualenv to the project. If you're using pyenv:
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.9.1 your-project_slug
$ pyenv activate your-project_slug
  • Install the development requirements:

$ make requirements

  • Run the make command to create the sample configuration file:
$ make init-env
  • Create a local git repository to bootstrap version control:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Boostrapping project.'
  • Run the formatter, linter and tests:
$ make style && make style-check
$ make lint
$ make test
  • Start the development server:

$ make runserver-dev

... or start the production server (gunicorn):

$ make runserver

Then, check the api documentation:

$ make api-docs