
Django Web Application for a To-Do List

Primary LanguagePython


Django Web Application for a To-Do List template

To edit the website, first you need to set up the virtual enviroment, you can name the folders whatever you like:

Use a terminal to make a directory using mkdir c:\django

Move into directory using: cd c:\django

Enter: pip install virtualenv

Turn on virtual enviroment with: virtualenv .

Enter: .\Scripts\activate

Make another directory called django_app using: mkdir django_app

Move into your new folder using: cd .\django_app

Now you can install django in this folder, using: pip install django

Now you can copy my "todo" folder into django_app

To be able to open the website you need to run the django development server

To do this you need to have the virtual enviroment set up from c:\django .\Scripts\activate

Then move into the todo folder using: cd c:\django\django_app\todo

Now you can run the dev server using: python manage.py runserver

You're all set up. Now you can edit the source code files and see the changes happening in the website.