
Fork of KFilter Extended Kalman Filter library with fixes (http://sourceforge.net/projects/kalman/)

Primary LanguageC++

For installation instructions, read INSTALL.txt.

To use the kalman classes :
#include "kalman/ekfilter.hpp"

Don't forget to link the .a (-lkalman) on UNIX/Linux or the .lib on Windows. 
The include path must be accessible (nothing to do on UNIX/Linux, set the 
include path on Windows).

HTML documentation (with a code example and procedure) is located in 
doc/public/html/index.html. If you wish to have documentation for 
private members too, use doc/private/html/index.html.

Samples combining matlab files and C++ are available in the 'samples' 

For further information, go to the SourceForge project website :


Or contact Vincent Zalzal : vincent.zalzal@gmail.com