
Make sure you have everything ready to launch your app

Web app pre-launch checklist

Make sure you have everything ready to launch your web app


  • Metadata

  • Page titles

  • Favicon

  • SEO

  • robots.txt


  • HTTPS enabled and forced in .htaccess

  • Error pages (404, 405, etc)

  • Rewrite rules (index -> index.html, index -> index.aspx, etc)

  • Test performance (PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix)

  • Check browser compatibility (LambdaTest)

  • Check for broken links

  • Optimize images

  • Test on mobile devices

  • Add error handling and logging

  • Add analytics (Google Analytics, Matomo)

  • DoS protection

  • Update dependencies

  • Database updates


  • Manifest
  • Service worker


  • Documentation
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • Support/Helpdesk
  • Contact information