
🔨 💡 This is the captain (or “myth") API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Captain API

This is the captain (or “myth") API. It contains simple endpoints for quick use on your basic projects.


The following routes are accessible at the moment, all living under /v1:

  • /captain/adjectives/, return one random Mariliz Pereira Jorge's adjective about The Captain.
  • /captain/adjectives/all, return the full list of adjectives.

For example, to get a single adjective you may access the heroku (free!) deploy at https://powerful-waters-90294.herokuapp.com/v1/captain/adjectives


Run it Locally

The Captain API is a Node.js app using Express 4. Make sure you have Node.js and the Heroku CLI installed to run it locally.

$ git clone https://github.com/tiagovignatti/the-captain-api # or clone your own fork
$ cd the-captain-api
$ npm install
$ npm start # or heroku local web

Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.

Deploying to Heroku

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku main
$ heroku open


MIT license © Tiago Vignatti