Supermarket stock availability automation

The idea of this project come in the current situation to fight COVID-19 pandemic. As the panic buying distrupts supermarket stock and distribution, I would like to create a tool that can help people to receive the availability notification easier and avoid unnecessary movement.
This project is build with Cypress to run an UI automation to check the supermarket product availability. With the help of the Circle CI scheduled workflow, it will be running periodically to help people check the stock availability for a particular product and receive Slack notification. This is a usefully tool that can help people use in a daily basis, also it is a good practice to try out the end to end testing framework and continous integration tools. Most importantly, this project is a simple, but not easy, solution to solve real life problem in a cost-effective(no cost) manner.

Getting started


  1. Node: any version starting with 8.4.0 or greater
  1. A clone or download of this repo on your local machine


  1. cd to the project root
  2. npm installto install the npm dependencies

Running locally

  • npm run cypress:open to start cypress dashboard and run all automation
  • npm run e2e to run the automation in background

Config Circle CI

  • Create a Circle CI account and like to github
  • Fork this repo and setup project connection this repo
  • The workflow is already configure in .circleci/config.yml it is currently a scheduled cron job that run hourly

Implementation details

I want to make it possible to simulate the user searching product in supermarket website and check the availability. With the help of Cypress, it makes the best experience to simulate a human interaction with the website to avoid the server treat the activity as a scrapper. The scheduled task is a cost-effective solution to making use of the CI schedule build capability and notification feature (slack webhook integration). This reduced the need to setup a dedicated machine to run the task and send notification. All config variables are stored in cypress.json file. You can change the product key word to search with CONTENT key.