Anymarket PHP SDK
This is a PHP SDK for Anymarket Plataform
How do I install it?
clone repository
How do I use it?
The first thing to do is to instance a Anymarket
class. You'll need to give the token
. To obtain the token you need to ask the support.
Including the Lib
Include the lib in your project
require 'anymarket.php';
Start the development!
Create an instance of Anymarket class
Simple like this
$anymarket = new Anymarket('token');
With this instance you can start working on Anymarket's APIs.
There are some design considerations worth to mention.
This SDK is just a thin layer on top of an http client to handle all the requests.
There is JSON parsing. this SDK will include json for internal usage.
This SDK will include curl for internal usage.
To put your project in production, you need to pass the second parameter as false
$anymarket = new Anymarket('a secret', 'sandbox [true or false]');
Making GET calls
$result = $anymarket->get('/categories');
#If you wish , you can get an associative array with param $assoc = true Example:
$result = $anymarket->get('/categories', [], true);
Making POST calls
#this body will be converted into json for you
$body = ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'];
$response = $anymarket->post('/categories', $body, $params);
Making PUT calls
#this body will be converted into json for you
$body = ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'];
$response = $anymarket->put('/categories/123', $body);
Making DELETE calls
$response = $anymarket->delete('/categories/123')