
pREST is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status GoDoc Go Report Card Coverage Status SourceLevel Homebrew

pREST (PostgreSQL REST), simplify and accelerate development, instant, realtime, high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new

PostgreSQL version 9.4 or higher


There is PostgREST written in Haskell, but keeping Haskell software in production is not an easy job. With this need pREST was born. Read more.

Test using Docker

To simplify the process of bringing up the test environment we will use docker-compose, assuming you do not have the repository cloned locally, we are assuming you are reading this page for the first time

# Download docker compose file
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prest/prest/main/docker-compose-prod.yml -O docker-compose.yml

# Up (run) PostgreSQL and prestd
docker-compose up
# Run data migration to create user structure for access (JWT)
docker-compose exec prest ./prestd migrate up auth

# Create user and password for API access (via JWT)
## user: prest
## pass: prest
docker-compose exec postgres psql -d prest -U prest -c "INSERT INTO prest_users (name, username, password) VALUES ('pREST Full Name', 'prest', MD5('prest'))"
# Check if the user was created successfully (by doing a select on the table)
docker-compose exec postgres psql -d prest -U prest -c "select * from prest_users"

# Generate JWT Token with user and password created
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "prest", "password": "prest"}'
# Access endpoint using JWT Token
curl -i X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"

Development usage

Download all of pREST's dependencies

git clone git@github.com:prest/prest.git && cd prest
go mod download

We recommend using go run for development environment, remember that it is necessary environment variables for pREST to connect to PostgreSQL - we will explain in the next steps how to do it

go run cmd/prestd/main.go

Building a local version (we will not use flags for production environment)

go build -o prestd cmd/prestd/main.go

Executing the prestd after generating binary or using go run


to use go run replace ./prestd with go run

or use 'prest.toml' file as a preset configuration, insert a user to see the changes

1-Click Deploy


Deploy to Heroku and instantly get a realtime RESTFul API backed by Heroku Postgres:

Deploy to Heroku


https://docs.prestd.com/ (content source and template source)