pREST docs

Public site


  • Clone this repository.
git clone
  • Make sure you pull all branchs and change it to gh-pages.
git checkout -b gh-pages origin/gh-pages
  • Update git submodules to getting Themes repository.
git submodule init
git submodule update
  • Do your modifications into content folder following Hugo documentation and run the webserver on port 1313.
hugo server -D
  • When you finish, commit it and send a Pull Request linking gh-pages branch.


  • On gh-pages brach, generate static files with Hugo command.
  • Change to the master branch and you'll see the public folder modifications after git status. Move all this content to the root, replacing existing static files.
cp -r public/* .
rm -rf public/
  • Commit it and push it to master. That's all.