Hi there! My name is Tiago Machado <> and I’ll use this project as a bootstrap for quickly start new rails projects.

Almost every project I have to start from scratch, including developing CRUD of users and companies, for example. So I decided to keep this project with all this things. It will also works like a show case of best gems that I currently use in my projects.

I made this project for me, but you are encouraged to participate suggesting things to help me start new projects as quickly as possible.

Configuration Items

  • Ruby: 2.1.1

  • Rails: 4.0.3

  • Postgre SQL: 9.3

  • Twitter Bootstrap: 3.1.1

  • jQuery: 1.11.0

  • jQuery UI: 1.10.3

  • Awesome-Fonts: 4.0.3


I suggest you to use rbenv to manage your installed ruby versions.

I also suggest you to use RubyMine as your default IDE.

How to Run

1) Clone this project

git clone

2) Downloa and instal required gems:

bundle install

3) Create database:

rake db:create

4) Run all migratins:

rake db:migrate

5) Start the server:

rails server -b -p 3000 -e development


  • add role/profile and permisions mechanism to allow admin user create roles and assign it to other users

  • add status to user and allow admin activate/inactivate users

  • track changes of every database modification

  • track and report access

  • allow each user set/change locale

  • allow each user set/change timezone