Visualization of UK Traffic Accidents

COMP7507 Project, presented by group 7: Tian Yu, Gao Shiwei, Xing Ke

Web page introduction

Header page

Introduction of basic feature of the project

Prject overview

Dataset introduction, visualization methods and element usgae introdtion. Overview trend of accidents over 11 years.

Map visualization

A UK map to show the accidents distributionn over geographic location across from the UK.

Interactions provided:

Zoom in / out
Download, edit data
Hover the map elements
Heatmap (left bar) dragging
Silder: time period selection
Bar chart switch: check the rank of selected period

Calendar visualization

A calendar system including daily accidents, light conditions, road surface condtions and weather conditions

Interactions provided:

Date selection: left box
Mode selection: right box
Hover events: all charts
Pie chart element selection: using the tag below the calendar

Score rings visualization

A score ring of minium value 1000, maximun value 1600. To show how the factors (light conditions, road surface condtions and weather conditions) affect accidents

Interactions provided:

Hover events: all charts

Dynamic relations between GDP, population & accidents

A dynamic chart based on accidents, GDP and population in typical cities.

Interactions provided:

Hover events: all charts
Pause / Start: scatter
Select year: scatter

Explorative information visualization

Some interesting and explorative information

Interactions provided:

Hover events: all charts
Cartisian heatmap: dragging heatmap bar
Line matrix: select two years

Vehicle information visualization

Vehicle information & type in accidents

Interactions provided:

Hover events: all charts
Trreemap: click to show ten years line chart
Button: swith chart mode
Select box: select a year, show top 10 accident brands
Click white space: back to treemap
Sun burst: click on paeeent type, so the inheritant relationship

About us

Project summarize

Demo & report line

Group members