
Wordpress + Docker + HHVM + SQLite


Docker image to run a no-dependencies Wordpress + SQLite plugin on HHVM's official image.

How to Use

Run the image, if you want to set a volume, do so using the -v flag, the volume will contain a /public directory; hosting wp and wp-content, and a db file.

Run from Dockerhub


$ docker run -d -p 8042:80 tian2992/guordpress

Run from Dockerfile

This assumes you want to run it in port 8042, behind a reverse HTTP Proxy (nginx, etc). Adjust port accordingly.

$ git clone https://github.com/tian2992/guordpress.git
$ docker build -t="guordpress" .
$ docker run -d -p 8042:80 guordpress

A volume will be created, containing the Wordpress base dir, you can use this to copy files or extract from. public/wp-content works as usual, you can upgrade, install themes, install plugins (with limitations), etc.


It's reasonably fast for small sites, mostly reads. The official Automatic cache plugin works quite well.


For fun and for profit, instead of a full lamp stack, just the fun bits.

Links to Stuff: