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Show the Banners
and Sounds
as the same as the system notifications on foreground. Get notification content and Handle click event.
Support iOS 7~10 beta, support both simulator & iPhone build.
New Feature
swipe down gesture
iOS 10 banner style,example(iOS 10 style not support
swipe down gesture
yet):[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo soundID:soundID isIos10:YES]; //or [EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo customSound:soundName isIos10:YES];
- The same UI with the system banner & sound
- Auto get App name & App icon
- Auto hide systm Status Bar and show
&drag leg
are the same color with current background- click gesture & handle it with notification info
- swipe up gesture
- swipe down gesture
Actual effect:
platform :ios, '7.0'
target 'YourTargetName' do
pod 'EBForeNotification'
Download and Drag EBForeNotification
file folder into you Xcode project.
Native Banner
Call any 1 method below can show a banner on the frontest controller.
#import "EBForeNotification.h"
//show a system sound banner
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}} soundID:1312];
//show a cunstom sound banner
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}} customSound:@"my_sound.wav"];
//show a system sound banner with extra keys/values
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}, @"key1":@"value1", @"key2":@"value2"} soundID:1312];
//show a cunstom sound banner with extra keys/values
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"banner content"}, @"key1":@"value1", @"key2":@"value2"} customSound:@"my_sound.wav"];
Handle Remote/Local Notification
Call the method in AppDelegate.m
- didReceiveRemoteNotification
, when received a notification, it will show a banner & sound on foreground automatically.
#import "EBForeNotification.h"
//ios7 before
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
//show a system sound banner
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo soundID:1312];
//show a cunstom sound banner
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo customSound:@"my_sound.wav"];
//ios7 later
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
//show a system sound banner
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo soundID:1312];
//show a cunstom sound banner
[EBForeNotification handleRemoteNotification:userInfo customSound:@"my_sound.wav"];
Parma: soundID
Is iOS system sound id, default push notification sound "Tritone" is 1312
More sound id to see here iOS Predefined sounds or here AudioServices sounds
You can download all the system sounds UISounds.zip , listen and choose one which you perfer, then check out it's
with the form above
Handle Click
Add observer for EBBannerViewDidClick
, get extra key/value to handle your custom events, such as: jump to some page when user clicked
Received notification:
"key1":"jump1" //customed like this to jump
Add observer:
#import "EBForeNotification.h"
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(eBBannerViewDidClick:) name:EBBannerViewDidClick object:nil];
if(noti[@"key1" == @"jump1"]){
//jump to page 1