
clflush and fmence are performed on the write operation of the hashmap, and different delays can be set to simulate

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Here is one of my class files

How to Build and Install

This project uses CMake to orchestrate the build and installallation process. To build and install on your host system, follow these easy steps:

  1. git clone https://github.com/DavidLeeds/hashmap.git - download the source
  2. mkdir build-hashmap && cd build-hashmap - create a build directory outside the source tree
  3. cmake ../hashmap - run CMake to setup the build
  4. make - compile the code
  5. make test - run the unit tests (if enabled)
  6. sudo make install - OPTIONAL install the library on this system
CMake Options
  • HASHMAP_BUILD_TESTS - Set to ON to generate unit tests.
  • HASHMAP_BUILD_EXAMPLES - Set to ON to build example code.
Put Performence
Type Runtime
No_Flush 77220ms
Flush_10 150176ms
Flush_500 351451ms
Flush_1000 561014ms