
This repo is the backend source code for tree-calculation-ui,


With this Tree calculation app, users can calulate the sum of longest path in the tree. This app is implemented in MERN stack(MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js) andd composes of UI andd Service parts. UI is written in React.js and Service are supported by Node.js and MongoDB. This repo contains the source code for Service part.

Technologies are using: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JSON Web Tokens, bcrypt.js

tree-screenshot signin-screenshot


To run and build this repo locally, you have to make sure following tools are installed in your environment


  • This repo is written in Node.js. It contains TreeService and UserService. treeService is to handle HTTP requesst from client side, calculate the tree sum, and send it back to tree-calculation-ui. UserService is to handle user authentication in the UI and store the authentication in the MongoDB server.
  • To make the app safer, all HTTP request are authenticated by JWT tokens ( Once the user logins successsfully, server will send back a JWT token for UI to process further HTTP requests safely
  • To keep password safely in Database, all user passwords are stored in hashed value, which is encrypted by bcryptjs (

API routes

  • GET / : To test if the API connects. It will print out Hello word.
  • POST /calculate, the endponit to process tree sum calculation request.
  • POST /signin, the endponit to process user login request.
  • POST /signup, the endponit to process user signup request.

Local development on desktop

  1. Git clone this repository by running git clone
  2. Run npm install to install all dependency packages
  3. Run mongod to start the MongoDB server
  4. Modify config.js to MONGO_URI: process.env.MONGO_URI || 'mongodb://localhost/treecalc'
  5. To run the app locally, run npm start
  6. Now you can make HTTP request to http://localhost:3000

Local development by Docker

  1. Git clone this repository by running git clone
  2. Modify config.js to MONGO_URI: process.env.MONGO_URI || 'mongodb://mongo:27017/treecalc'
  3. Run docker-compose build to pacakage the docker image
  4. Run docker-compose up to run the docker image
  5. Once you see MongoDB is connected in your console, you can make HTTP request to http://localhost:3000


Run npm test to check unit tests

Copyright and License

Code Copyright 2019 Frank Zhang. Code released under the MIT license. See the included license file License .