Docker image with Nginx using the nginx-rtmp-module module for live multimedia (video) streaming.
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low latency?
#62 opened by HttpAnimation - 0
Contain http_ Sub_ Module module ?
#60 opened by l-g-t - 0
Logs of the executed command
#57 opened by ramiel - 2
Provide arm Docker Container (arm64/v8)
#23 opened by dtcooper - 0
Can it take multiple rtmp/rtsp stream and then deliver all of them separately
#56 opened by HaroonRehman - 0
Error: already publishing
#53 opened by DattatrayHinge - 0
Work with ECS
#51 opened by Fyb3roptik - 0
configure for audio only
#49 opened by narayanan-ka - 2
Executing command from directive
#19 opened by yentheo - 1
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#18 opened by wilhelm10243 - 1
Lightsail - Plesk: how to tiangolo/nginx-rtmp
#33 opened by autoprog - 1
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How about adding ffmpeg in docker image?
#17 opened by n3ksus - 2
Install ffmpeg vaapi?
#22 opened by SvensenDE - 2
Question: RTMP / RTSP
#21 opened by Plnda - 0
exec directives are not working
#35 opened by mkhstar - 3
limit the diffusion via the stream keys
#8 opened by fabb24 - 2
Unable to start on a mac
#11 opened by ams0 - 2
Running on a Raspberry Pi
#9 opened by hunhejj - 2
Dashjs player cannot play from .mpd
#3 opened by andiempettJISC - 2
RTMPS support
#7 opened by peterhavener