
This is the repo of the tool for static resource bound verification.


Annotate *.java files

Annotate *.java files with resource variables that track the amount of resource increments and decrements

  1. Initialize resource variables with statement int R = 0.
    • Note that resource variables' names must start with R.
  2. Use statement R = R + e to denote that the amount of resource consumption is the value of expression e when reaching this control location.
    • Note that these increments/decrements must be at the end of a basic block (as opposed to being in the middle).

Annotate the bound expressions to verify

  • Use statement assert(e) : "bound" to denote that the bound expression to verify is e.
    • E.g. we may use assert(R<n) : "bound" to denote that the bound expression to verify is R<n.
  • Each program may have more than 1 bound expressions to be verified.

A user may provide additional global invariants that can help the tool to verify bounds. The tool will not check the validity of these extra invariants.

  • Use statement assert(e): "global".


  • Please do not use any method calls in *.java files.
    • Otherwise the generated control flow graphs will have edges pointing to exception handling blocks, causing the tool to crash.
  • Please do not use prefix or post increment/decrement statements such as i++ or --i.


Directly run ./scripts/run.sh YourJavaFile.java from the root directory of this project.

Debug tips

  • To debug the semantic correctness of the generate predicates, check if for all variables, the guessed invariant can imply the inferred pre-conditions. If not, then either the guessed invariant is wrong, or the inferrence of pre-conditions is wrong. E.g.
  (forall ((i Int) (n Int) (b Bool))
; (get-model)

  • To debug the semantic correctness of the generated predicates, analyze the WLPs in the form of high-level predicates, as opposed to SMTLIB2 outputs (which are extremely hard to read). E.g. think about what loop invariants might be needed to verify a predicate is valid.