Before you use this demo, please make sure that you have Hadoop, Spark and Cassandra up and running. You can download both from the internet:
- Spark:
- Hadoop:
- Cassandra:
After you have Spark, Hadoop and cassandra installed run the following scripts on the Cassandra server using CQLSH in order to get the database created and filled with sample data:
create keyspace recommendations with replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };
create table recommendations.user_item_rating (
user_id int,
item_id int,
rating double,
primary key(user_id, item_id)
After you created the database, create a CSV file with the following content: user_id, item_id, rating where each is an integer value. Load this new file into Cassandra using the command below:
copy user_item_rating (user_id, item_id, rating) from 'user_item_ratings.csv' with HEADER=true;
Next start the application using the follow command:
sbt run
Finally use CURL to train the first version of the recommender system model
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/train
Enjoy the show. You can get recommendations by opening http://localhost:8080/recommendations/[id]
in a browser.