To get started: Fork this repository then issue
git clone --recursive[username]/geometry-processing-introduction.git
Welcome to Geometry Processing! The purpose of this assignment will be to get you up and running with the two C++ libraries we will be using: Eigen for dense and sparse linear algebra routines and libigl for geometry processing routines. We will make use of the OpenGL-based viewer used by the libigl tutorial. This viewer also depends on glfw, a library for managing windows on Linux, Mac OS X and windows.
On all platforms, we will assume you have installed cmake and a modern c++ compiler on Mac OS X¹, Linux², or Windows³.
We also assume that you have cloned this repository using the --recursive
flag (if not then issue git submodule update --init --recursive
All assignments will have a similar directory and file layout:
file will describe the background, contents and tasks of the
The CMakeLists.txt
file setups up the cmake build routine for this
The main.cpp
file will include the headers in the include/
directory and
link to the functions compiled in the src/
directory. This file contains the
function that is executed when the program is run from the command line.
The include/
directory contains one file for each function that you will
implement as part of the assignment. Do not change these files.
The src/
directory contains empty implementations of the functions
specified in the include/
directory. This is where you will implement the
parts of the assignment.
The shared/
directory will contain shared resources: cmake files, dependences
(e.g., libigl) and data. Feel free to poke around in here, but you shouldn't
change any of these files.
This and all following assignments will follow a typical cmake/make build routine. Starting in this directory, issue:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Why don't you try this right now?
Once built, you can execute the assignment from inside the build/
After compiling according to the instructions above, if you try executing right now, then you'll see a bunny:
You can click and drag to change the view.
Optionally, this program can input a path to a triangle mesh file (other than the bunny):
./introduction [path to input file]
Every assignment, including this one, will start with a Background section. This will review the math and algorithms behind the task in the assignment. Students following the lectures should already be familiar with this material and may opt to skip this section.
Let's get familiar with the explicit mesh representation of a discrete
surface immersed in V
and F
The matrix V
The matrix F
is V
of the first, second and third corners of the
jth triangle as a non-negative number (remember in C++ arrays and matrices
start with index 0
The information in V
alone is purely positional and encodes the
geometry of the surface.
The information in F
alone is purely combinatoric and encodes the topology
of the surface.
By convention, the indices in each row of F
are ordered counter-clockwise
around the triangle. Using the right-hand rule, we can define the normal of
each triangle as the vector that points most away from the surface.
Each oriented triangle also defines three directed edges between its three vertices. Other triangles in the mesh may contain edges with the same incident vertices, possibly in the opposite direction. A manifold mesh will have at most two triangles incident on the same (undirected) edge, therefor we'll refer to each triangle's directed edge as a half-edge.
The number of vertices
For meshes representing polyhedral surfaces, the Euler Characteristic can be computed very simply:
Chi = |V| - |E| + |F|.
Assuming no unreferenced vertices in V
, each of the qunatitites in the
right-hand side can be determined from F
alone. This indicates that its a
purely topological property. Changing the geometric positions (i.e., changing
the vertex positions in V
) will not affect the Euler Characteristic. Due to
this, we say that the Euler Characteristic is a topological invariant.
Every assignment, including this one, will contain a Tasks section. This
will enumerate all of the tasks a student will need to complete for this
assignment. These tasks will match the header/implementation pairs in the
Libigl has implemented many of the tasks you'll find in this course. As a result, for some assignments, including this one, you'll see a Groundrules section that lists which functions you can and should use from libigl and/or functions you may not use (and should avoid copying your answers from).
For this assignment you may not use
- or any other libigl function that returns a list of edges.
From a list of triangles F
, construct a E
, where the kth
row of this matrix contains the indices into the rows of V
of the start and
end point of the kth edge in the mesh. E
should contain every undirected
edge exactly once.
From the list of triangles F
, return the Euler Characteristic X
of the
triangle mesh. You may and should use your edges
function from the previous
Submit your completed homework as a New Pull Request to this repository.
Direct your questions to the Issues page of this repository.
Help your fellow students by answering questions or positions helpful tips on the Issues page of this repository.
You will need to install Xcode if you haven't already.
Many linux distributions do not include gcc and the basic development tools in their default installation. On Ubuntu, you need to install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get install libx11-dev sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev sudo apt-get install libxi-dev sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev sudo apt-get install libblas-dev
libigl only supports the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 compiler in 64bit mode. It will not work with a 32bit build and it will not work with older versions of visual studio.
This markdown document, and those for all other assignments, contains
$\LaTeX$ math. GitHub just shows the un-evaluated LaTeX code, but other markdown browsers will show the typeset math. You can also generateREADME.html
using multimarkdown:cat shared/markdown/ | multimarkdown -o README.html